I grew up in central Fla fishing lakes for bass. Bass fishing was great, Waters to fish we're abundant, and fish always bit haha.
Fast forward a few yrs, I moved to South ga, where 80% of the bass fishing was done in rivers. I set out to learn to river fish and catch these river bass, shoot how hard would it be? Well bass prefer different colors, different baits, the river bass are a completely different strain of bass, and most of all, the dreaded fight with constant current..
I've spent so many days just sitting around talking to old timers that grew up fishing the rivers, learning their techniques, and what baits. And learning to use the current as a friend and not fight it. Now I love river fishing and would bout rather catch a river bass over lake bass any day!
So my advice, talk to the locals and Everytime your out always watch how they fish, the speed they fish, and techniques they use. You can learn alot like that!