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Everything posted by NittyGrittyBoy

  1. Start em young and they'll be hooked for life! It's good to see the sport still growing!
  2. Poor little fella, he don't even know he's been bit by the fishing bug. Gonna cost him lots of money and sunburns down the road.. Congrats!
  3. No takers? I figured more people followed the elite Series. O well I enjoy it
  4. I'm a structure guy. The more structure I can flip to the better. After that I'm going deep water structure
  5. How often do you fish it?
  6. What's a cowboy? I looked it up, looks really good. I'd throw it
  7. What happens when you do catch a 8? Stop fishing? Haha, shoot for 9!
  8. Holy cow! 250 boats! Bet that will be frustrating, plus with all the spectators that will be out their watching, should be crowded to say the least. I'm still rooting for my long time favorite, Shaw Grigsby! But KVD has won Kentucky lake, what twice? And he's got confidence built up from Grand lake so we'll see!
  9. Congrats, fish of a lifetime
  10. 8lb down south is still growing.... Haha Good luck on your quest nonetheless!
  11. Well can't argue with that logic
  12. Kentucky Lake, anybody wanna make prediction's?
  13. My boats been tore up, impeller went out on outboard, trolling motor gave up the ghost, rear deck was rotten, and my trailer was in horrible shape from beating down dirt roads. Been busting my tail to get everything fixed. Haven't fished in 3 months out of my own boat. Postspawn bass are eating everything and im stuck wrenching. 5.9 is great start...
  14. Another vote for lizards from this guy. I put mine on a shakyhead and work it slow. That or a weightless trickworm
  15. Weightless flukes would be my go to
  16. Yep, congrats to KVD. Great fishing in tough conditions. Man can flat out fish!
  17. Hawk and Tharpe both brought big bags yesterday, if they can do it again it might be enough to squeak by KVD. This one has been fun to watch!
  18. KVD must have a pattern, he's dominating
  19. I agree, I think today will really show who has a pattern, and who gets the lucky bites. I definitely like watching the pro's really work and struggle to find the bass, let's me know they are human haha
  20. I grew up in Tampa, no better saltwater gamefish than big snook imo. Freeline pinfish around mangroves and hold on. We use to fish around TECO powerplant. Some reason they grow bigger around there haha
  21. I'm in southeast ga, everywhere I've been fishing is postspawn now. Still a few buck bass guarding beds, but females are spawned out for sure
  22. KVD showed up to fish, consistent both days. Think he's got what it takes for another win?
  23. Been watching updates past couple days, aerial photos show the banks stained bad. Was hoping Tak would stay up front!
  24. Anybody following the elite Series on Grand lake right now? Any thoughts
  25. Man fishing rivers around here most locals almost always have either bubblegum or merthiolate trick worm tied on. And consistently catch fish. Weightless or t-rig
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