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Everything posted by NittyGrittyBoy

  1. This hook #2 and a piece of 3/8 shrink wrap around the middle. You'll thank me later.
  2. @rangerjockey don't need an ultrex with all the bells and whistles, I mainly river fish shallow so I just need tough and dependable. I'm waiting on a good spring sale I guess, Thanks for suggestions folks, Hodges Marine has the best price so far!
  3. Look up Golden Isles bassmaster club on FB or try DueSouth bass club. Both are excellent clubs in the SE Ga area
  4. Looking at buying a 36v Fortrex, anybody know the best place to shop for one? I usually buy from Tacklewarehouse but trying to shop around. Thanks
  5. I picked Poche for Lake Murray, but bass emailed me saying he was disqualified for fishing MLF. Dudes fishing strong this year
  6. Custom made Devilshorse. 100% top producer
  7. I'm off to a terrible start.
  8. I had Patrick Walters but took him out for Keith Poche. Story of my life.
  9. River runs right by our mill, we actually have outflows that drain into the river. I have many trails I slip away on and catch a bass or 3. I might not make it to the professional level, but I do get paid to bass fish. ? @Darth-Baiter seems like a great place to dump some bluegill and bass.?‍♂️
  10. I'm in again this year. Always love the southern stretch, northern fisheries are always a cointoss! Goodluck everyone!
  11. @A-Jay I've been wanting to try a popmax for awhile now, just been putting off buying one. But that Midnight bone is absolutely perfect color. Of course only one I could find was 32$ on ebay. But it's on the way nonetheless. So a sincere thank you for posting that sir.
  12. November to March I keep a suspending jerkbait tied on, then April to Oct floating jerkbait gets the nod. Usually a twitch, twitch, pause cadence. Always been an excellent producer in local rivers. Definitely don't underestimate them as they are often overlooked.
  13. I've never used one, always thought it was for losers. Well, lost a DD this past year because I didn't have a net to land her. Never go to the water without one now. And oddly enough i use it all the time now. ?
  14. OK all the talk about hardware rattling, simple fix- almost every treble hook bait I throw gets swapped to braid split rings. Your baits will 100% be quiet. And you will almost never have a bass throw the hooks. And the absolutely best cranks for quiet 1.PhCustom 2.Frittside 3.OG Slim
  15. I've thrown a few a few glide baits in my local river, and it was a failure. As long as I kept the bait in an eddy or an oxbow lake it was fine, but any current blew it away. So it didn't work for me and I was looking to try something else. I've since just thrown a Megabass 6" Magdraft freestyle and called it good. Its weedless, i can fish current with it, and skips under overhanging trees. Not quite the answer your looking but my advice is to experiment, try them out and see what you like the best
  16. I'll sure be trying this, seems like it would work good in my local rivers. Thanks for the idea!!
  17. You ever flip heavy spinnerbaits @Catt? I'm about to order some heavy ones just for this technique, there's absolutely no info on this technique anywhere.
  18. Vision 110 and shakyhead finesse worm. Start there and experiment as you go
  19. I have a 13' Gheenoe to get me to some of the remotest spots around here. I refuse to paddle a kayak that far. And normally carry a chainsaw for unpassable laydowns. The further you get away is usually pretty rewarding. Whatever. It. Takes. Period.
  20. Ordered 40lb AFW titanium leader with #2 crimps and some swivels. Thanks!
  21. What's your favorite wire leader? Looking for strong and flexible. Being from the south I know absolutely nothing about it like you "musky filled water fisherman" ? Putting together a nostalgic Jiggerpole and don't feel like losing hard to find wooden creek chubs to Gar, mud fish, and chain pickeral
  22. I throw a Devilshorse and a bomber 6A almost every time I get on the water. Who said they quit working?
  23. Caught this bass throwing an OG slim fishing stumps in open water, then immediately went to the bank and started throwing topwater and no bites. I'm a topwater fanatic, so I fish what I enjoy. A Worm is the absolute last thing I pick up but sometimes would rather catch a few bass then go Home empty. So yeah I'm guilty of fishing Lure A when Lure B works a whole lot better. Tourney fishing is a completely different mindset, I'm fishing what works, not what I want to fish. ?‍♂️
  24. I throw the 6" freestyle regularly and do good with it. Would definitely fish the 5" if it came in the freestyle
  25. Simple- topwater all year. When that don't work crankbaits. When that don't work, worms. When that don't work start downsizing till it does
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