I own two conquests 844c’s. While I know they are capable of pitching up to a 3/4 ounce Texas rig that is the top end for an already mushy tip rod. Don’t get me wrong, it works and can work well if having some mush and soft tip is your thing but I wouldn’t throw a 3/4 ounce jig and trailer on it as my first priority. It would be good for paddle tails. I hear the glx844c is more powerful than the conquest. The conquest great, just not a great “heavy” jig rod. I’d look toward something more like a steez power pitch , expride/ adrena 72H, bottom contact rod, 873c id guess has more power than the 844c conquest. Also, this conquest 844c weighs 4.2oz, it’s extremely light. I have a steez ct on it, weighing a totsl of 9.5 oz. This rod likes a light reel in my opinion.