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Everything posted by Graham

  1. That’s pretty wild, I see it mostly happens in the gulf coast of Florida. Have you ever seen it’s effects in the VA beach area @Darren.?
  2. Red tide...fill me in, what’s that all about?
  3. Hmm that’s odd, never had an issue
  4. Bluebasser always has good advise, and there’s quite a few other members on here who give consistently thoughtful input as well. One place I’ve found a lot of experienced fisherman who love to share info are local tackle shops. Try picking the brains of some of the old heads who work at the more Mom and pop type of establishments. Not only are they thrilled to have someone to talk with, they plain know what’s up ?!
  5. I think it would be cool if these monthly subscription tackle companies would allow for some customization in your monthly boxes. For example; if you throw certain presentations more than others you can note that on your profile and they could customize your box accordingly. So you may still be encouraged to try new brands and baits, but they will at least be a style that you’d like to use.
  6. I find this to be true and I’m glad it sounds like you had that light bulb moment. It’s really cool to spend time learning and studying tactics and methods in your down time and then apply them. Nothing is better than hands on experience, but I will say having a good conceptual understanding of a method is key to successfully executing it. The more conceptual knowledge I have directly translates for me on the water. The experience of anglers that have come before me has seriously improved my fishing ability and I’m super grateful to all who share this. I always try to return the favor. Tight lines, and cheers to you for getting out there more! @WRB Your knowledge is greatly appreciated, it’s up to the individual how they want to use it, but I’ve learned from you for sure.
  7. Got on a frog bite at my favorite pad covered hydrilla pit in the woods. Stuck 4 on the black scum frog. All right around 12 inches (there’s gotta be some studs in there, I won’t give up on the spot!)
  8. @RSmall things are picking up for me as well. Just got on a really fun frog bite this evening. I’m gonna be fishing the reservoir tomorrow evening...hope to have as much luck as the female angler in the pics above
  9. I’m about to be in an environmental science program at school, already seen the backpack shockers in the lab...this is gonna be one hell of a semester
  10. From most enjoyable to least: casting, fly, spinning...love em all though
  11. I was punching through some grass the other day. Really fun technique to use. I prefer to use a straight shank hook with a screw lock. I pair that with my favorite creature bait and a pegged weight and send it. I’m good for about 3 fish on average before the bait starts sliding down. I like to cast to any openings in the grass bed, and edges, but I’ve had fish crush it in the thick of it as well.
  12. @TOXIC I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks dude and happy fishing!
  13. @TOXIC Awesome info, thx! My strategy was off, that’s for sure. I knew the hot water would change things a lot, but I couldn’t think of a good way to approach it. I want to say I was near “rock 9” if that rings a bell. Found a little cove that was super natural and had some nice structure, it was probably 2-8 fow where I was fishing. Man I bet that’s a fun place to fish in January.
  14. @Sam that explains a lot. Was up shallow fishing structure like usual. Thanks for the tip. Fishing deep in a large body of water I’m unfamiliar with is such a shot in the dark. That 100% makes sense though! Also thanks, a safe trip for sure!
  15. I thought it was going to be dirty as well with all the rain we had that week. The water was crystal clear. I ended up being on the private side or the warm side as some folks call it. Not sure if that nuclear water was the reason, but I got my butt kicked. Only bagged 2 fish in the 1-2 pound range. Still fun being out there!
  16. I fished a bag of the 7 inch senkos last week and was expecting to increase the average size of my bite. Interestingly enough the fish didn’t seem to know the difference. Got on a really nice bite, every other cast kind of deal, but most of the fish weren’t much bigger than the bait itself haha!
  17. @Black Bill Dance the bite has slowed down for me, should pick back up here soon.
  18. The more I fish for bass the more confident I am in big baits, I’ve had 10 inch fish smash 7+ inch baits!
  19. Set out to fish more jigs, fished more jigs, caught more fish on jigs, crazy how that works .
  20. Look at that bug eyed ditch panda! Congrats
  21. Hey Eric, the post spawn fishing in general has been whooping me. I can relate. In a bit of a funk, but you gotta fish through it and learn to adapt. It’s not that I’ve been completely skunked but I haven’t caught anything over a few pounds in 2 weeks, and it’s starting to mess with my head. Keep us updated, I’m sure you will get on some good ones soon!
  22. @soflabasser seems like it might be. Closest guess I’ve got so far. Only difference I can see is the lack of spots. Its gotta at least be in the same family. Crazy thing is we caught it in a river and it’s essentially an aquarium fish native to Asia.
  23. Only pic I managed to snap...the color on it was beautiful. Good guess tho. Note those little prawn like whiskers on its belly. Thanks @Scott F
  24. @TOXIC I’ll be putting in from a family friends house, not sure where it’s located but I plan on trying to stick to backs of creeks and look for some more natural areas. I’ll fish docks if that’s all I can. I’m used to fishing the muddy stuff so that won’t be an issue. I’ll post a picture of where we are going to be located once I get there. And of course safety is always my priority as well as respecting others on the water!
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