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Everything posted by Graham

  1. Fished a local public reservoir for the first time today and got on a pretty nice frog bite late afternoon after the clouds rolled in. They started MUNCHING through a Coontail mat I’d spotted earlier in the day. Needless to say I’m glad I made the decision to try a new spot. It was a grind, but I was rewarded with this 4lb 8oz beauty! Runner up was 3lb 7oz. Man I love frog fishing.
  2. Been a while since I’ve posted on here. Good one I caught the other day, went for 4.8.
  3. Stuck a nice one this evening on a 10 inch curly tail worm. First time night fishing for bass and I don’t know why I never thought it would work well. Anyways...
  4. Straight up gets em.
  5. Not a color combo you see fished very often, nice fish!
  6. Yeah I see it having a positive correlation on average size of bass in a pond as well. I’m surprised that killing them has become their standard practice, but most of these folks aren’t as well versed in ecology as some of us. Definitely not advocating for killing fish, just sharing my experience on the topic.
  7. I don’t enjoy it...but that is how the owners of the fishing club manage their fishery. To them it is an invasive species. Is this misguided, I think so, but that’s not my call to make.
  8. Haha ditch donkey fosho, nice one!
  9. The rain came in today and got me a day off work. It also made for some killer fishing conditions. Went down to a local pond that I heard was just recently stocked and absolutely whacked them silly. Over 15 fish and the best 5 went for around 16lbs. Here’s the best of the day.
  10. I’m noticing a clear girth difference, although both of those pics are photoshopped...
  11. Maybe not. Like I said I’ve never had any issues with it until recently. What may have happened is the loop could have flipped while I was tying, and when I thought I was feeding the tag back the way I started it was the opposite. We’ll see if I can’t tie it right next time.
  12. @ww2farmer I’ve been tying it for a year so I’m pretty familiar with how the knot works.
  13. I do 5 up and 5 back. I’ll try a few more next time.
  14. Yeah you do hear the “bad spool” excuse getting thrown around a lot, and it’s hard to say how often a bad spool actually makes it onto a shelf. As far as brand goes I only mentioned that as to imply that I haven’t changed anything, but my knots are slipping now.
  15. @Mick D it’s been slipping, but I always prep my braid by scratching the waxy coating off... Pretty much brand loyal, but it is a fresh spool of my favorite leader material.
  16. Seriously considering going this route with it.
  17. I’ve been using the Alberto knot to fasten a floro leader to braid for about a year now. I love this knot it’s quick and easy and it SEEMED to hold up really well until recently. The past two leaders I have tied have broken off at my knot. I am wondering if anyone has had an issue similar to this and any advice would be great. I don’t think I’ve changed anything about the way I’m tying...
  18. Second best of the summer on the frog. Mid day 90 degrees and full sun. Absolutely choked it and I had to horse her through 20 feet of thick vegetation. Went for 4.63, snapped a few shots and she was on her way. Update: Went out in the kayak for round two and caught a 14 incher, on a frog again. I’m on a frog kick here in Virginia!
  19. Thanks for looking out for us A-Jay. I work outside, so when it’s time to fish it feels like a walk in the park. Being aware of your fluid intake and the way your body is reacting to excessive heat are key. Like some have shared before me, heat exhaustion and stroke can sneak up on you if you aren’t practicing awareness. I wish everyone a safe weekend. Peace out I’m going camping :P!
  20. Hahaha yeah he’s a killer player but his attitude isn’t necessary. Just watching him on the field you can see his arrogance, he thinks he’s a rock star or something. I understand drawing a foul it’s part of most sports but come on haha! I find it much easier to root for a player like Messi, which might I say was fun to do in their game vs Nigeria.
  21. How about Neymar's roll today against Serbia!!?? Hard for me to respect that guy, that was pretty funny though...
  22. I’ll take quality like that over quantity most days. Unfortunately I didn’t make it out, life happened. I’ll be out there for sure a few times this summer tho! Keep sticking big ones!
  23. I agree, and refs always get a lot of criticism. That foul in the box on Sweden that was overlooked was the main one I was referring to.
  24. Really interesting stuff, I’m not a salt guy or a even really a beach guy for that matter, but still surprised I’ve never heard of red tide. Thanks for sharing! And to the OP: Thats a bummer it’s happening in your area, hoping that the fish will bounce back, seems like after reading that it shouldn’t be too long!
  25. While I’m not a huge fan of watching sport in general I’ve always enjoyed watching soccer matches. We’ve been watching as many games as we can catch here. That Germany Sweden game was a fun one to watch. Refs seemed to favor Germany though which was a little frustrating. Either way Germany dominated that one ☝️!
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