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Everything posted by Fish8MyMoney

  1. The unit is wired directly to the starter battery. The wiring is 14 gage I believe until you get under the dash then it changes to the power lead that came with the unit. I am guessing that the starter is drawing high amps which causes the amps to the unit to drop during startup. Would using dual 12V batteries solve this problem?
  2. I have a new Humminbird Helix 10 SI that I have networked with my older 798CI so they use the same transducer. When fishing the past few times I have noticed that the 798 displayes fish arches much better than the Helix 10. I have adjusted the input frequecy and sensativity and tried to match what the 798 setting are as well as trying to modify the sensativity on both units. When I increase the sensativity on the Helix 10 the fish arches start to improve but they get washed out with background noise before that are clear like they appear on my 798. I have also checked the filter settings. Any Ideas on what may be causing this?
  3. When I start my main motor I get a low voltage warning on my Helix 10 SI. I hear this may be bad for the device. Is that something that can damage your device over time? If so what can be done to prevent this? I am running my finder off the starter battery obviously. Will a two battery 12 V system solve this issue or perhaps a larger deep cycle battery?
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