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Everything posted by InFishingWeTrust

  1. I use a Shakey head a lot on rocks and grass
  2. Have you fished it a good bit? Got a few the other week. Haven't fished them to much but have tried it. Also have you used it in murky water or is it better as a clearer water bait?
  3. What is the most successful way you have found to retrieve an s waver 168? Also successful color patterns you have found would be cool to. Thanks guys.
  4. I use trick worms all the time for smallies. One if my go tos for any bass.
  5. Im near the Shenandoah by berrryville. Hasnt been to bed for producing but river has been a whole nee river this year by me.
  6. Think it could be some thing like a tapered leader. I think thats how in fly fishing leaders are. Rigged and pegged in place tied leader going towards the eye. Stiffness to spring out just enough and light enough tip for action? Just trying to figure out what it is exactly. Nevermind. Theres a video on youtube can see how its rigged.
  7. I use power pro and never had a problem with it. Just the standard line. Done the maxx cuatro before wasnt worth the extra money to me.
  8. Nice smallies man
  9. Alright cool. Nice fish man. Out of Northern VA here.
  10. What part of VA?
  11. I do the same set up but with their darter head.
  12. Same here. Plan on hitting the shenandoah. Pulled my first top water fish of the year last Saturday.
  13. Cant beat them for their price point. Buddy has one he likes it a lot.
  14. Nope. Have you notice one pattern producing more than others?
  15. I was using the chrome shad color one. Was about 7 am. Fish of all sorts kept hitting top water I was like lets give it a try. Then boom there she was.
  16. My only smallie came off of top water this past weekend. On a luck craft sammy.
  17. Some ****
  18. When I spool my reels I go through the holes on the spool to lighten the spool up and tie it to there so I know my line doesnt slip. Any one else do this? I know its not necessarily right but been doing a few seasons with no problems. Opinions on it? Has anyone done it and had failure? I am talking about baitcasters to just so we are all on the same page.
  19. This is all going to fall on peoples personal preferences. I fish straight braid and do just fine. I generally run 20 lb powerpro. Best thing is to research tuning your reel. Practice casting. You may waste a spool of line learning the basics. Be patient with birds nests. They are easy to get out just dont want to pull hard and have your line cut in the spool. My reels I find a sweet spot and seems I barely have to adjust it from one lure to the next.
  20. I think you should do what you have confidence in. There are ups and downs about everything. They generally are fishing clear lake. May what works best for them but will work every where else as well. Is it necesary I cant say. Just falls upon what you feel whats best.
  21. I stay open to what people tell me but most will be misguiding in my opinion. If they have a honey hole most arent going to spread the word so it doesn't get over fished. How I take it. I will be on the Shenandoah and boaters will be like "there's a 3 lber sitting over there" but they arent stopping for the shot to catch it. Just trying to misguide so they can keep you away from the good spots. Remember not all fellow fisherman want to see you as an successful angler. Anglers can become greedy.
  22. Cant complain about that It was odd. Only thing I have seen similar is when solvent hits certain types of plastics. Which no solvents been near them. They would have been fishable still but I wasnt going to fish them. Could have been a bad batch or some thing. No clue.
  23. It's a first for me
  24. Yeah its not that big of a deal. I just dont want to spend money on a low quality bait thats not going to last. Pretty sure they were close to if not $10. Wasnt sure if it was random event or common with their baits. I have old crack backs and other rapalas in good condition still. Had for years. I was assuming its their newer baits thats doing it. Yeah thats them. I thought they were cliser to $10 though. Im the guy just fills the cart and bites the bullet at the register. I dobt pay attention to prices. I do like the profile and all of the baits. Just expected them to last longer.
  25. Lmao. Yeah some ****. I dont have that problem with their old school baits. Crack backs work great for smallies. Just them shadow raps .
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