So this Wednesday it is supposed to be 56 degrees in the Great Lake State. The warmest it has been in weeks. I have picked a lake to fish with my 14 ft mirror craft. One I’ve never been to between lansing and st.johns. From what I have researched on this small 50ish acre lake. The water clarity is usually stained to muddy with a 16-18 foot hole just off a point on the western shore. The rest of it is 5-10 feet deep. The outside from google earth looks like it is ringed by dense vegetation in the summer time. There is also a creek that enters from the south west and exits in north east. Also, another creek enters on the east from another smaller lake.
first thought is to fish where the two creeks enter the lake. 2nd would be the 16-18 inch hole. Thirdly just fish out side the weeds that rim the lake.
I do have bright colored 3/8 spinner baits, shallow diving, medium diving, and deep diving creeks. Only thing I really don’t have is bright colored plastics. I have some but, most of it green pumpkin, Black/Blue, and other natural stuff. Would Texas rigging a blue and black Christie critter work this time of the year?
Three other ideas come to my head are slow rolling the spinner baits and cranks around the creeks, maybe throwing a wacky rig around the creeks and deep hole. I figure the creeks and deeper hole will be the warmest along where opposite side of the lake the wind is blowing from.
how does this sound?
I have done a lot of fishing just not specifically for bass in lakes.