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All about da bass

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Everything posted by All about da bass

  1. What they don't know won't hurt them right? Nah I'm just kidding. Yes I figured it should be illegal everywhere. Crappie where I live spread like crazy and REALLY hurt the bass population. We had some transplanted somehow to our lake and they have eaten the fry and the yearlings. They are huge from our place and they multiply like nothing.
  2. I don't use mono most of the time for those reasons. I like 15 to 17 fluorocarbon and it's stronger and less stretch for when you try to get un snagged there is more leverage. IMO
  3. Wow guys, now y'all are the ones acting really young. Look man when you release this fish in the wild it's not gonna try to eat the biggest gill out there, they will try to eat stuff bigger than their size key word try. The fish will be fine, make sure that the population is high with shad. Just find a nice lay down in some shade with some bait fish, then let the lil guy go. If you want to track the fish and make sure its ok, tag it so you can keep up with it. Good luck bro.
  4. It may be special to them, chill out. He can do what he wants with it. It would be best to go back in the lake or pond though.
  5. Just sitting here eating a bowl of fruity pebbles before I go to school, how's everybody's week been? It's finally Friday!!!
  6. Palomar is best for braid.
  7. The drop shot is a very effective way to catch fish, also a weightless finesse worm or fluke can be deadly along or through grass.
  8. Yup, you summed it up perfectly and simply.
  9. Scott Martin, Casey Ashley, Justin Lucas, Otte Defoe, and Jason Christie.
  10. Thanks for the info bro, I will definitely pick a few and try them. Do they get hung up in rocks or do they pop outta there like a jig? Thanks again.
  11. Lol I know right. I just wanted a few answers on what people liked to throw.? Maybe it won't die and new people will see it lol.
  12. Ha Ha Got eeem ? Dang bro
  13. I may have to try one of those.? So far I have seen a ton of Ned rig believers. I have never thrown that. I may have to try that. Is there a thread for how to use them or where or when they work best?
  14. Yes I love to throw that color with any soft plastic.
  15. I don't use braid for fishing cranks, you could use mono depending on what type of cover you are fishing. I normally throw 15 to 17 pound flouro. Mono floats which pulls the crankbait up and it won't go as deep. Flourocarbon sinks and also has less stretch. So if you want that bait to sink and you want a better hook set on the fish, use flouro. If you are fishing shallow, you could try mono, but you would need a stiffer rod to get those hooks in the fishes face good enough. This is all IMO, Good luck man.
  16. Amen brother. That is so true. Just like Boat stands for Break Out Another Thousand.?
  17. They all need to be fished, just gain some confidence in them and use one for whichever condition you think you need them.
  18. When you catch the male next time, put him in the live well for a sec. That will make the female be on guard like you said, you will have a greater chance of catching her then. The only thing is, is that you can't do that in a tournament,
  19. My go to for quality for cheap is gonna have to be Strike King, they make some really nice pair of shades. The more expensive that I like are Costa and Oakley.
  20. If you feel like driving to Mississippi, there's a good one called Pick wick lake. Bunch of giants caught outta there. It's in the very top right corner, part is in Tennessee and part in Alabama also.You could go down to Georgia or Florida, great fishing down there too. South Carolina has the lake they just had the Bass master classic on, also another good lake. Good luck out there, hope you catch tons.
  21. The lightning rod is a great rod and is sensitive. The only issue that I had, the other day I was fishing some submerged grass, I was slowly pulling and then I yanked it like you would so the line will rip through the grass clean. Well when I did that, the rod snapped at the base, a little bit below the first eye. That's the first time I have ever had trouble with a lightning rod. I have broken quite a few Quantums but never a Berkley.
  22. Lol, didn't think this thread would have made it past the first page.
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