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All about da bass

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Everything posted by All about da bass

  1. I finally got her fixed up, I bought this thing when it looked like a trash boat. It looks a lot better than it did. I don't have any before pics.
  2. I tried fishing this weekend, I had a boat that followed me all day and he would go about thirty or thirty five yards ahead of me and would put his trolling motor and would start fishing and cut me off the whole cove. He did this about four times. Finally, I decided to just head to the house and relax, when I see him get on plane behind me and goes to the boat ramp as I do. He literally loaded the boat at the same time as I. It was kinda freaky.
  3. That's it right there.
  4. Quit catching them hawgs man! Nice catch
  5. I think it just went from the cat pics.
  6. I don't think what kind of chicken is gonna matter. Live bait is almost like cheating when it comes to bass fishing. IF you do decide to use chicken, just put it on the hook so it will stay. Like you would with catfishing.
  7. Mine is no where near as big as the rest, fishing around my parts has been tough without any rain. This fish is the first fish I have caught since I have stocked a pond of mine in September of last year. Very VERY lively fish and swam away healthy. She post spawn of coarse.
  8. Welcome to the fishing fam! Good luck on finding a partner, if you to know anything you should be able to find it here.
  9. It does have to do with the prop for sure. My factory prop that came on my 150 mercury would get on plane really fast but would go slower on plane. When I busted it on a stump last year, I bought a new one and it's stainless, it takes a little while to get on plane, but when it does it will go way faster. I don't remember the exact sizes but I can find out if you need me to.
  10. Yeah MTB was good, I try to do that but I always have someone telling I don't need them.
  11. No it's still the same, I'm just not as fast as I was in the 8th grade.?
  12. It's Christmas in may!!! I love getting fishing stuff in the mail.
  13. Ok thanks guys, is there any specific style bait? Also, they decided to move it up to the first week of June. Fishing pads is my favorite way to fish.
  14. We both be rich, I have people that tell me that all the time.?
  15. Well, I wouldn't be playing that clip anymore around her or somebody is gonna be sleeping on the couch.?
  16. What's bad is where I live, there is like five ponds and 4 of them are just like mud holes. Good for going riding tho.
  17. It will happen eventually for us bro.
  18. Give her the worm, she will take it.?
  19. They can be very pricey, but when they on sale, I buy as much as I can and stock up on everything.
  20. I would say just give them live bait to get their confidence boosted and go from there.
  21. No it's just I don't go on the internet looking at cat pics. I'm either on here or you tube. This one looks legit. ? Ima start looking at cat pics more. This one looks legit. ? Ima start looking at cat pics more.
  22. I have like five or six of them. I just bought one for $15 bucks when it was supposed to be like $25. Me too, that's all I wear, the Columbia site.
  23. Whoa, is that some kinda photo shop or is that ligit?
  24. NFL? or is that normal??
  25. I don't know if anybody like Columbia PFG stuff, but I was able to get a bunch of stuff marked down at their website.
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