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Fish Man

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About Fish Man

  • Birthday 07/27/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Selbyville Delaware
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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  1. Hey guys, Haven't posted on here in quite some time. But My screen name was a nick name given to me by my grandfather several years before he passed. I have had several names on here before then but after his passing I changed my name to Fish Man as a way of remembering all the times we sat and talked about fishing with my uncle.
  2. thats for the help guys. yesterday i went to a local store that sells them and after looking online for about the past week ive realized id rather cough up the cash for a new one and that would put me up around 8 or 9 hundred unless i found a good deal on a used one. everyone has told me to look at a sit on top due because apparently the sit ins can get a little warm in the summer?
  3. couldnt have happened to a better group of guys
  4. hey guys, lately I've been considering the idea of getting a kayak this summer. i was wondering if anyone had any advice on a brand and model they think would be my best bet for about 5 to 6 hundred dollars? thanks for any help or suggestions
  5. Two years ago while i was fishing with my unlce i hooked myself in the back of the head. It pinned my hat to my head and it needed to be cut off. As for the lure we tugged on it for a couple good hours with no results and wound up in the ER. Whole thing was becasue i leaft to much slack line and when i went to cast it got me good, thought my uncle had smacked me for a moment before i relaized what had happened. got a good laugh out of that if i come across the photos i'll post them on here
  6. haha we're few and far between on here, i havent seen many people from the 302 on BR since ive joined. Im from selbyville btw
  7. gamertag....eLMURRs glue52, gonna change it soon but ill let yall know
  8. as a 17 year old thats within 2 years of her, my vote is in for the trip with taylor,i can fish any other day of the year
  9. Exactly, his performances almost show his intelligence though, he is smart enough to realize that being "out there" and contoversial is what gets you noticed and what leads to record sales.
  10. i dont like alot of the subject matter in some of his songs and his religious views but for me i just respect him as a musician and try to keep that stuff on the side. and yeah if you listen to him talk he is really intelligent
  11. i second this
  12. ok, so just to give a little background im 5'9 and about 165 pounds so im not in bad shape but i just want to get stronger and work my way toward getting more of a six pack and being a little more "cut" in a nutshell. im not looking to lose weight or get bigger in any cetrain areas
  13. ok guys so i recently got a gym membership and was wondering what is the best routine to go about while working out, i used to go to the gym with my brother a few years back and i know you need to work different parts of your body every day but am wonderign if there is a best way to go about thing? thanks, and any additional info would be appriciated as well
  14. he was rushed to a hospital because he either broke or dislocated(cant remeber which) his jaw and lost his ability to hear from what ive read
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