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Lord Castlereagh

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About Lord Castlereagh

  • Birthday 04/08/1968

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Loudoun County, VA
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    VERY new to this. Only began fishing in July 2017, but so far the faves are: Potomac River, Goose Greek, pond at Izaak Walton Loudoun Chapter

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. I use chicken livers to get catfish. Works BEAUTIFYLLY! Are mullet just as good? Better? Not good at all? Thanks
  2. My rods and reels are clean and they gleam like diamonds. All is prepared. All is ready. The tackle box is stocked and sharp hooks wait for flesh. The lures and the plastics bear silent witness to the struggles, failures, and victories of seasons past. The fish are sleeping, barely stirring. I will not know them for a hundred days still... But the mighty Potowmack, father of waters (that may be the Chesapeake in Indian language) and I have an appointment to keep. I just don't know how to pass the time until then. How do you do it? What glides you over that time? The time from now until the time to cast?
  3. SM is more fun, and fight harder, but you prefer LMs??? Why?
  4. Caught my first ever big smallmouth today. My did he fight! I was really impressed. Is it my imagination or did he fight a lot harder than his largemouth cousins? Or are they about the same?
  5. Very well said...
  6. 4 years USMC, TOW gunner, 1981-1985, Beirut, Lebanon, 1983. I DESPERATELY WANTED to be an 0331, but I got TOWs instead.
  7. Kept accidentally getting catfish on Goose Creek. So I figured I'd go for them for real. Here's what I found: I caught 5 in about 4 hours which is pretty good for me The bait (chicken livers) is as close to free as you can get They are HUGE, way bigger than the bass I catch And, of course, fried catfish is way better tasting than bass. So, why is bass fishing so much more popular than catfishing?
  8. Thanks, WRB. I just blood-knotted it. If it snags, I'm blaming you...
  9. What do you do with the last 30 feet or so of the spool? I hate to waste it, so I used to attach it to the next, fresh spool with a double uni know. I say "used to" because each and every single time I did that, the line would, without fail, snag up on the exposed ends of the double uni knot. I used a magnifying glass to clip the ends as unbearably close as I could, and still the snags came. This leads to several question: 1. Is that what a double uni is for, and am I, therefore, doing it wrong? 2. If that is NOT what a double uni is for, then what is it for? 3. What do YOU do with those last 30 or so feet? Seems terrible to waste it.
  10. For everybody that says "Potomac," I'd like your opinion on the 53-mile Goose Creek that feeds the Potomac near Leesburg. Thanks
  11. Snapped 2 inches off my rod today. Looks like all the repair kits merely put a new guide ring onto the end of the broken rod, as opposed to reattaching the snapped off 2 inches. Am I right about this? Thanks
  12. What lures/baits were you using that were not working just before you switched to worms? Thanks
  13. VERY informative. Thanks much. This is a great site.
  14. Help me out with this... When I go to amazon and search, say, "spinnerbait" I'll get pages of baits, a great deal of which will be packs, which is great! I like 10 packs and 12 packs and 30 packs. I cannot find those on TW. I just can't. When I search for "packs" or "kits" I get no hits. When I search "spinnerbait" I just get the singles. What to do? Thanks
  15. I don't think I've seen any mention of minnows for bass on this forum. Curious.
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