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    Georgia boy transplanted to the eastern hills of TN

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  1. Not to be short but everything. I don’t like technique specific rods personally, however I own one in the MB OneTen Stick, which I think is going to become my medium rod. I’ve typically only thrown jerkbaits and poppers on it but have read about others using it for numerous other techniques. Read where someone was using it for light Texas rigs, this I gotta see. I have a Rod for deep cranks and one for A-rigs and glides but I don’t typically get those out of the locker too much. I used to have a rod for about everything but decided I’d rather have a few nice versatile rods. Hence trying out the MBRs. The heavy rod would be for…well heavy stuff. Heavier bottom contact, larger walking baits, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits. I’ve been getting some great suggestions and think I’m leaning towards a Steez Target Sniper . Then try out different medium power techniques on the OneTen Stick as stated above. If it doesn’t work out then perhaps a SC Extreme X 69M. For heavy, I can’t decide on the Tachyon Shaft or Super Destroyer. Just not real sure how versatile the TS is.
  2. What specifically do you like to throw on the 683c? This is definitely one I’m considering. They do have several, and some are very interesting looking, I just need to do more research on a couple models. I do own the 110 Stick and really enjoy it. Thanks, will look into this one.
  3. Thanks for the responses. I had looked at some St Croix rods but I’ve been hearing and reading of how they’ve took a turn for the worse.
  4. One of my favorite rods still in use is an AS Zell Rowland T-series spinnerbait rod with titanium guides. Only issue it has is the reel seat won’t tighten without a few wraps of electrical tape.
  5. I’ve come to the realization that I prefer shorter casting rods 6’8” or 6’9”. I have been using NRX+ 842, 843 & 844 MBRs since I bought these this spring/summer but really don’t care for the loss of accuracy I get in casting them. Guess I’m old school and got too used to using 5’6” to 6’6” rods. Anyhow, does anyone have any recommendations on 6’8”ish rods that would be suitable replacements for these MBRs? I see GLX has an 803 MBR but not not a 2 or 4 power. Anyone have experience with it? Have looked at the P5 Super Destroyer and Tachyon Shaft as the heavy options as well as Dobyns XP 863 & 864 for mh and heavy. Then there’s the Steez 69mh. There seem to be numerous mh and heavy options but slim pickings on the medium. Please chime in if you have any experience with any of these models or a recommendation. Not interested in going much shorter or longer. I do have some flag poles (7’6”+) for deep cranks, Glidebaits and a-rig but these are open water techniques for me and don’t need the precision. BTW, each will paired with a Zillion SV TW G if that matters. Thanks
  6. Very good reel, I like the size of the handle especially.
  7. Thanks for the input. I have one SC but it’s a short jerkbait rod about in line with its lure rating.
  8. Well said, thanks. Also, thanks for the mini review on the Head Turner. I was watching a video of Christie using that same rod earlier this weekend.
  9. Very well stated. Thanks. I know a lot of the times folks are closed off and say you don’t need this or that for certain techniques but have never tried a better rod at those techniques.
  10. Didn’t figure you’d be like the kid on the commercial who says “l got a bike!” all ticked off about it. ??? Enjoy the reel.
  11. Hit Gary (Bronzefly) up, word is they’re going to reopen TT elsewhere. Supposedly, better website etc. You can also check with The Hook Up Tackle.
  12. Not like it’s junk. ?? Great reels.
  13. Very good points, thanks for responding. While I agree with bottom contact being about sensitivity, what about comfort for other techniques? For the record I do fish bottom contact when necessary on a pretty sensitive rod. I just prefer and enjoy other techniques better and feel it’s perfectly fine to spend good money on those as well. When you say you do equally as well with a cheaper rod I’m guessing you’ve tried those techniques with a more expensive rod? Again, thanks.
  14. Very good points, thanks for responding. Good points. Why not get the best you can if it makes it more enjoyable? Most folks don’t drive junk cars anymore for such reasons, not saying it’s bad if you do drive a beater.
  15. Not trying to rile you. I stated that’s your opinion which was fine. I’m saying you because I can’t think for you and know whats more important to you.
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