Not to be short but everything. I don’t like technique specific rods personally, however I own one in the MB OneTen Stick, which I think is going to become my medium rod. I’ve typically only thrown jerkbaits and poppers on it but have read about others using it for numerous other techniques. Read where someone was using it for light Texas rigs, this I gotta see. I have a Rod for deep cranks and one for A-rigs and glides but I don’t typically get those out of the locker too much. I used to have a rod for about everything but decided I’d rather have a few nice versatile rods. Hence trying out the MBRs.
The heavy rod would be for…well heavy stuff. Heavier bottom contact, larger walking baits, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits.
I’ve been getting some great suggestions and think I’m leaning towards a Steez Target Sniper . Then try out different medium power techniques on the OneTen Stick as stated above. If it doesn’t work out then perhaps a SC Extreme X 69M. For heavy, I can’t decide on the Tachyon Shaft or Super Destroyer. Just not real sure how versatile the TS is.