A little background that led to this post. For most of this season, I only landed 50% of my fish. I started questioning my line/rod choice for the presentation I used, but knew they weren't the problem, I was. I had wrist surgery done last week and it dawned on my that the reason for my dismal hook-up ratio was in how I was holding the rod. Normally when cranking or using a buzzbait, my rod tip is down and pointed toward the lure. Because of wrist discomfort, unaware to me,I'd been holding the rod tip angled to the side. That one factor reduced the amount of line I moved on a hook-set and was likely the reason for my misses. Because I always reel the slack out of my line with Texas rigged plastic presentations, I wasn't doing that and my hook-up ratio didn't suffer.
So, for you guys that are having problems with fish becoming unbuttoned, take a look at your rod position. It just may be the easy fix to your dilemma.