This is a subject that I've devoted more than a few seasons studying. There was a time that I didn't give it much consideration. When one didn't work, I'd try the other (keeping it simple). But having a few inquiring brain sells among the dozen or so that I still possess, I questioned why one over the other.
Because bites are few and far between at this time of year, I began observing what factors were present when one presentation worked and the other didn't. Water clarity, light conditions, barometric pressure, even Ph. What I found was that the bass would take a jig dragged slowly and with pauses much more often than a lift/drop presentation. When the latter worked best, it produced numbers and the bites were much more aggressive.
What factors contributed to the more aggressive bite? Exactly those that you'd consider during the summer. Cold front conditions made the lift/drop/hop presentation almost ineffective and although production using the dragging method wasn't something to write articles about, I'd get two or three bites on it.
My conclusion was, and is the reason why I choose one over the other to start the day, don't overlook the conditions during this time frame. You sure wouldn't during the rest of the season. ?