This experience taught me a lesson I'll likely never forget. One of the first tournaments I fished out of my own boat, I drew an old fart as a non-boater. It was a slow day, to say the least, by noon I still hadn't boated a keeper. The old codger, on the other hand, had three quality fish in the live well and the kicker was that we were both throwing the same bait. Now before all you grey hairs start getting on me, this was back in the late 70's and I was young and thought I knew most everything there was to know about bassin'. I started concentrating on what he might be doing that I wasn't. I watched his rod tip angle, how fast he was cranking, how often he paused, or sped up the bait......Nothing, nada.... he was mirroring exactly what I was doing.
I made a cast to an old dock piling as we approached it with nothing to show for my efforts. I looked back and that wise old man was waiting until we passed that piling before he cast back at it. Yep, #4 and his biggest of the day. WTH I just cast to that dang post with the same friggin lure, This guy must have some magic up his sleeve, was my conclusion.
At weigh in, I sat there fishless while he had a lock on third place. He must have seen the big question mark hovering over my head as I sat there licking my wounds. "You're wondering how I caught those fish using the same bait you were, aren't you? I nodded and he said two words; different angles and walked past to his car with his winnings. The thick skull I have kept me from understanding what he meant for the entire two hour trip home. It was only after I began putting my gear up in the garage when I dropped a couple of rods on the floor. There they sat, in almost a perfect X pattern when the light finally came on. Not only will I never forget that lesson, I realized then that my knowledge of bassin' barely scratched the surface. I'm 74 and still learning.