I frequent a number of fishing forrums every day and the one topic I rarely see are questions about bass, northern, muskie, walleye, or whatever species the site is dedicated to. This site is one of the better when it comes to exchanging knowledge, but even here, the majority of that knowledge is related to gear or techniques and very little toward getting to know Ms. Bass.
I've been fishing for over 50 years now and had the pleasure of introducing this great sport to hundreds. As a camp counselor during my college days and even now with my grandchildren and the kids in the neighborhood. My approach has changed very little over the years and it revolves around one thing. Learn what makes a fish do what it does and where it's likely to be doing it and you have an excellent chance at being successful at catching them whenever you go fishing.
I'd love to see a forum catagory on this site that targets learning about this fish that we all love to catch. How many times have you read or had someone tell you that 90% of fishing success is based on the location of the fish? From seasonal movements, their reaction to changing conditions, how they relate to the forage, activity levels, etc. There is a wealth of information that is vital, not only to the novice, but even to anyone wishing to 'up their game' to the next level.
Mods take note; I'll start a topic here in the general bass fishing forum with the idea of sharing some of what I consider the most valuable information one can share and watch how many views and responses it gets. If nothing else, i may possibly get guys to start sharing their knowledge on this subject.