Ask anyone that knows me to describe what type of fisherman I am and most will tell you I'm a structure fisherman (provided they know what that means). Very rarely have I gone out on a new lake and not canvased it, using marker buoys to give me a visual idea of the different breaklines I'm looking at. Last season I purchased a Lowrance unit with chartploting/GPS and was very surprised at the accuracy of the Navonics topo maping and being able to mark waypoints.
I only fished one new body of water last year, but without using my buoys, I was able to map out a particular spot on that unit and return to it numerous times after drifting off during a battle with a nice chunk. The other thing I do with buoys is toss one out after hooking up with a fish when working deep structure. I really don't need to do that anymore, just reach over and set a waypoint for the spot.
So, what I want to know is do you guys still keep and use buoys now that you have electronics to pinpoint spots or areas? I knid of like being able to see the outline of a break on the surface when using them,especially early in the year before weed growth provides a similar visual. I don't like the fact that some guys will move in and work the area. Not that I mind them fishing the same water, I just don't like it when they insist on casting along side them and catching them )the buoys}. Most of the time, I'll get them back, but at the very least they've been moved. God forbid I want to retrieve them before these guys are ready to move on!