Well, I'm going to chime in on this one with the little experience I have on power plant lakes up here. I'm not familiar with the lake you mention, but I assume that the lake is either divided somewhat between the intake and output sides, or there is a considerable distance between them.
That being the case, current flow will play a big part in your approach to catching. You'll want to focus on areas of increased current, or areas that contain obstructions that will redirect the current, especially if you plan to target smallies.
Areas such as between islands, points, shallow bars, are all areas that will increase the flow of water. Deep holes, wider sections of the lake, etc. will slow the flow.The exception, especially for largemouth, would be spawning fish avoiding current. Here again current, or lack of it, plays a big part.
The best advice I can give you is to fish it similar to the way you'd fish a gently flowing river. If you'll be flipping and pitching in current areas, the front side of anything that breaks the current will hold active smallies and the down current sid will hold both neutral smallmouth and active largemouth.
Check your local fishing reports, as I would think that the smallies have finished spawning and it's also possible that some of the largemouth have too.