Sounds like you were fishing from the bank also. If that is/was the case, your odds are very slim and you were lucky to get one. If you're faced with the same situation often, consider targeting fish the bank beaters aren't. Fishing deeper water from shore is a different ball game than targeting the same area from a boat. You'll want to use baits that are not only able to reach the deeper water structure and cover, you'll want to be able to get both your bait and your catch back to shore without much difficulty.
Not knowing what type of cover, or how far from the bank the area you'll be targeting, it's difficult to recommend a specific bait, however you'll want to avoid treble hooked baits. Single hook baits would include spinnerbaits, jigs, tubes, and Texas rigged plastics. I'd suggest spinning gear for casting distance and (I don't believe I'm saying this) fluorocarbon line or braid with a leader. Sensitivity along with abrasion resistance makes that choice a no brainer.
If you can keep some distance between yourself and other anglers, a C-rig is a great option for not only targeting deeper fish, but for it's ability to transmit bottom information back to you. Your choice of areas, if you have a choice, would be points, transition areas where rock meets weeds, or large rock meets smaller chunk rock or where soft bottom meets hard or rock bottom.
Don't think fish won't use deeper water to spawn. If water clearity and temps. permit, larger fish will often pick deeper areas to spawn.
My last suggestion is to try to avoid the crowds. Week days, especially early and late in the day and later in the week can be the best time for hard hit areas like these.