After the winter we went through, I was really looking forward to enjoying this summer fishing. I've been getting out plenty, but the weather has been anything but cooperative. I can't recall the last time the weather was stable for three days or more. Not only is finding the fish a task, the weather has been changing two, sometimes three, times a day and after a couple of hours searching and finally catching a few Mother Nature throws another curve ball and I have to adjust. Coach used to tell us; look for the heat and adjust to the off speed stuff. Well, I never made it past A ball and you can likely guess why, so Ms. Nature is really starting to tick me off.
I guess I could look at the glass half full. After all, I'm not the only one contending with the constant change. But I don't use a glass, so forget that dodo. July has a history of being the best month for me for both numbers and big fish. What's a guy supposed to look forward to in Jan. if she doesn't stop messing around already? This is what happens when we give a woman any kind of power.
Thank you for letting an opinionated old fart blow off some steam and if you agree, I have an extra couch you can sleep on when your wife finds out that you do.