I'm not talking about deploying your PowerPole to hold you in position as you fan cast an area. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it's their intended use. I'm talking about, dropping an anchor (two in my case) and sitting on a spot. I revisited doing this after reading Bill Murphy's 'In Pursuit of Giant Bass' which was a complete turn around from the ' stay on the trolling motor until the batteries give out' approach I'd been using for the past two decades. The biggest benefit (for me) was that it got me to not only slow down, but to pick apart an area of the lake top to bottom. Do I still run and gun? Yes, when my time on the water is limited to a couple of hours. Do I pick up anchor(s) and move to a different spot? Yes, but rarely more than three or four times during the course of a day.
Memories of fishing a saddle between two islands on a big lake in Wisconsin (big for Wisconsin at least), anchored so my dad and I could reach the shallows of the island nearest our end of the boat and also the deeper water to either side of the saddle, were dusted off and revisited during my reading. We rarely didn't have a good outing and if the wind was blowing we often limited out. There was no running from spot to spot with my eyes glued to the old Hummingbird only to abandon a spot after a few casts. We'd sit and methodically work the area until we "stumbled" upon the depth the fish were holding and the presentation that got results.
Now, my son-in-law and I will anchor on a breakline of his favorite lake where the depth changes from 8-15ft., or the end of a small point for three or four hours, fishing, telling stories, downing a few beverages and catching fish. Guess I've come full circle.
Now I'm wondering if any of you have either revisited anchoring as a way of boat positioning like I have, have been doing it all along, or are considering it as another option?