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Everything posted by papajoe222

  1. I haven't given mine more than a glance and to back off the drag ans spin the spool. That's when I thought about cleaning out the spool bearings. I didn't see a release for the side plate. Did you have to break the reel down from the cranking side to access the spool?
  2. A great bait for fishing submerged grass, especially from the bank, is a lipless crank. You can run a 1/2oz. fairly shallow on a fast retrieve,or fish it on braid and rip it out of the grass. Because of the loud rattles, it's also a producer I stained or muddy water.
  3. One of the ways I 'deep crank' when I want to use a small profile bait, is to C-rig a small shallow runner on an 18in. Leader. It's a slower presentation, but a killer under cold front conditions. The sinker stirs up the bottom and the crank follows irratically. Just use the Rod, not the reel to move it along or the bait will roll on you. I also do this with a FatBoy when my forearms tire from cranking a deep diver.
  4. The stork family was sitting down to a great dinner that mama stork had prepared, but papa stork never showed. The next day Jr. stork asked wherehe'd been. "I was out making a young married couple very happy." That night, mama stork never showed for dinner so they ordered out for pizza. The next day Jr. stork asked where she'd been. 'I was out making a young, married couple very happy." That night Jr. was absent at dinner and when he returned home well past midnight, papa stork was furious. ' Do you know what time it is? Where the heck have you been? ' I was at the co-ed dorm at the university scaring the s#*t out of a whole bunch of young, unwed couples.'
  5. $1.73 Yesterday at the BP in LaPorte, IN
  6. Don't fight it Luke. It's just another way to enjoy the sport. If you can't read, watch, or look at all the eye candy surrounding the sport, then the only thing left to do is BUY MORE GEAR. While you're at it, pick up some bananas for the little guy. He's been working really hard since Christmas.
  7. For sensitivity I prefer the extreme. For weight I prefer the carbonlite. Seeing as weight isn't a concern of mine, I have three extremes and one carbonlite. I have, however, gotten away from purchasing BPS rods and reels so I am not familiar with their current production models.
  8. Finished Rod #2 No butt wrap on this one. It's built as a casting rod on a Baston spinning blank. I'll be pairing it with a Daiwa Sol and using it for the majority of my tube fishing.
  9. Okay, all or any of you that also carp fish. I'm looking for a bait recipe. Nothing too involved, just a few ingredients preferably. I take a bunch of kids out and have been targeting bluegill, but the older ones are more than ready to tangle with a cat or carp. There are more carp where we go, but other than canned corn, I'm at a loss as to what to use.
  10. Much better advice than fishing for bluegill
  11. I have a Spook that lost the majority of its foil finish the first season I used it. By the end of the second season, it was all gone, but for five seasons it was my 'go to' when I needed to fill out a limit. I ended up loosing it to the trees when my line broke on the cast. I spent over an hour trying to retrieve it. I even went back with my telescopic tree trimmer, but it was GONE! I have two other baits with the exact same finish that I bought at the same time.......not the same.
  12. Personally, I've never heard this. It does have some validity for those points extending out from the east or west. The north side would receive the LEAST amount of sun and therefore the most shade. It would also be the side protected from strong north or west winds. Although I'm always looking at shade and wind when searching for active fish, I never considered which side (north/south) of a point to focus on. My choice was/is based on the side with the best structure leading up to the shallows.
  13. My favorite fluorocarbon is NONE. Never had a problem with it jumping off the spool, suppleness, knot failures or any of the other problems most fluorocarbon lines have. I wouldn't recommend it because there is so much peer pressure on using one or another of its competitors. For me, it's strictly a confidence thing.
  14. I'm not on the wagon and any brew is offensive to my taste buds. Give me a spicy Bloody Mary with plenty of veggies for breakfast and a couple of shots of Cazadores if the water is on the rough side.
  15. Although most of the lakes in that area are busy on the weekends, some have no wake restrictions from around 8:00PM until 10:00AM and even the ones that don't are usually not overly crowded during those hours. If you are a multi species angler, or don't mind an occasional pike, the bigger lakes are the way to go. If you're concerned about rough water, or are looking to target only bass or walleye, Como, Elizabeth, Marie, Powers or the Twin Lakes won't disappoint you.
  16. I also golf on occasion. I don't have a $300 driver or a $150 putter. I aLso am not a scratch player nor do I aspire to be. When I fished competitively, I purchased the best equipment I could afford. If I ever felt a $20 crankbait would make a difference at weigh in, I wouldn't think twice about purchasing one.
  17. I like an Arkie head jig. It's an all purpose style that has served me well. Many companies offer them and although I do prefer the trailer keeper on the Terminator one. Siebert swim jigs are awesome in vegetation that the Arkie would bog down in and a mop jig has the weight I sometimes need for deeper presentations.
  18. spooling it tight will help to elininate the line digging in. Yes, it may respool looser while fishing, but that first good sized fish or a snag will be the only reminder you need that the tighter the line is on the spool, the less chance it has of digging in. My first cast after either of those scenarios almost always results in a backlash due to this happening. Then again, I only use 30lb. with a diameter of .010 in. do that is also a possible contributor.
  19. I use both Spike-It and JJ's and they both have one thing in common; you end up with weird colored finger tips and that has the same effect as a sweater vest when it comes to your chances of scoring with that hottie that just walked in your favorite drinking establishment. I forgot, we're talking fishing..............Sorry
  20. Three old geezers were sitting on a park bench. The fellow in the middle say reading the paper while his friends were 'fishing' casting out their imaginary lures and reeling in their 'fish'. This went on for the better part of an hour when a policeman approached the man reading the paper. "You need to get your buddies out of here. They're disturbing everyone." The man calmly put down his newspaper, grabbed his imaginary oars and frantically started rowing.
  21. See my original post. I purchase those two colors in bulk although a glow in the dark bone was my mainstay for night fishing, my supplier no longer produces them so I've been going with a black neon.
  22. For those of you that were contacted about a get together on Lake Webster this May,I'm sorry to inform you that this group outing isn't going to happen. The response I received was positive, but the lack of boaters that were able to attend far outweighed non-boaters and after looking at options like boat rentals and who would be attending on which day or days, I decided to cancel. I am however interested in outings that would involve you and I getting together for a day or two. A three hour trip on my part is not out of the question and 'mi boata es su boata.' Thanks for your interest and please keep in touch. Joe
  23. There appear to be two trains of thought on this subject and if you are objective in your thinking, you will see that both are correct. For reaction types of baits and retrieves, the fish focus on their attack and even in super clear water line visibility shouldn't be a deterrent. For slow moving baits and retrieves that are targeting a feeding response the fish also are focusing on the bait, but their focus is in determining whether to eat it, or not. Just ask anyone that has watched a smallie eye their jig for what seems like an eternity, only to swim away. Would you use a highly visible line in that situation? The bottom line here is your confidence in your choice for the conditions you're faced with. as with lure selection, scent, rods and reels. If you approach your decision objectively, the answer presents itself. Whether you choose to ignore it is up to you.
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