What are the winning weights like? How many guys bring limits to the scales? This will give you an idea of what you're up against. If just a handful of guys are limiting out on every contest, or if winning weights are consistently under 10lb. you're going to have a tough time. Going deeper isn't always the answer to finding bigger fish, let alone catching them. I fished behind a lot of guys, both as a co-angler and because I didn't have the fastest boat to get to spots. I did manage to consistently finish high in the standings. I believe that was due to my paying attention to detail, both in my presentations and my preparation. My motto was and still is; Show 'em something different. I'm not just talking lures. Sometimes the same lure everyone else is throwing will do, but you may need to alter the normal presentation or location you use. There can be, and likely are, keeper sized fish in the general area you are catching those dinks from. If you keep fishing for the dinks, you'll rarely catch the keepers. Start with small changes and don't expect your numbers to stay the same. Catching a dozen fish you can't take to the scales is worse than catching only one you can when the money is on the line.