Shore bound anglers are at a big disadvantage during the summer and winter seasons, mainly because the majority of fish aren't within casting distance. Those that you can reach with a decent cast are spooked easily, have seen most of the lures you mentioned on numerous occasions and likely are only active for short periods. Add to those the lack of cover and I doubt that many fish actually see your offerings.
My advice is to find some form of cover within casting distance. Small patches of weeds, an isolated deadfall, or anything the fish can use as an ambush point can hold fish. Then it's just a matter of provoking a strike. Multiple casts to the same target may be needed, but if the forage uses the area, the bass will be there. If there is absolutely no cover available, structural changes are what you need to look for and without the aid of a depthfinder to locate them, you'll need to rely on your gear to find them. A crank that dives deeper than the water you're fishing will relay the bottom content and any sharp drops in depth. Although the structure itself may not hold fish, they will use it when they move around and so will the baitfish.