I WAS a better Spook fisherman than you.
A spook was the first topwater lure I ever used and use it I did. As a bank fisherman, errant casts with treble hooked lures was a recipe for snags and lost lures, but I quickly found out that the fish liked to hang around and in those snags. After reading an article in 'Field and Stream' I decided to learn how to walk a Spook around objects. It took all of that summer, but I was able to master doing just that. The following season, I started throwing a Spook just after ice-out and did so on a regular basis until the end of the season. I experimented with a dozen different modifications, from bigger hooks, split rings, adding weight to the tail, feathered trebles and even moving the line tie location, not to mention different retrieves and rod angles.
That was back in the 70's. An accident and two operations later, I have very limited range of motion with my wrist. I've learned to compensate, but still deal with pain. As a result, my skills have deteriorated, but my love for that lure still has me reaching for my 'Spook Box' with regularity.