First off, have you tried slowing down your retrieve? Second, what type of line are you using? Third, what rod are you using? Fourth, how are you holding your rod? They all make a difference.
You're going to miss strikes on almost any topwater lure. You miss them on subsurface lures, you just are unaware of it. The fish just miss the bait. There's nothing you can do about that. You can increase your hook-up percentage by letting the ones that don't miss get the bait into their mouth. Slowing down your retrieve speed is the easiest thing to do. If you find that a slower speed doesn't generate any strikes, then I'd add a trailer hook. If you're using braid, you should be using a rod with some flex at the tip. Holding your rod tip up does a number of things in your favor. It will make getting and keeping the buzzer on top easier. It adds a length of line over holding the tip down. Lastly, it almost forces you to hesitate setting the hook as you will want to drop the rod tip and pick up the slack before setting the hook.
The other thing to consider is the type of cover you fish. For vegetation, I shy away from using a trailer as it has a tendency to attract the green stuff. When I do, It's the kind that has the shrink tubing over the eye. Same goes for timber. A loosely swinging trailer hook is an invitation to getting snagged.