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Everything posted by papajoe222

  1. I use Sufix 832 Hi Viz braid for my jig and Texas rigged plastics. Using that color braid, I always use a leader, but I keep it around 2.5ft. and switch it out when it gets down to 18in. or so. I use it for better strike detection as it's much easier for me to see. I have no idea if the fish can see that braid, but I want all factors in my favor and if there's a chance that my line can spook the fish, I'll take my chances. I have other setups with Lo Viz green that I never use a leader with.
  2. There you go thinking again.
  3. If I'm confident that there are still fish in the area, I change profiles first. Going from a fat bodied crank to the long, thin body of a minnow/jerkbait , or flat sided one not only gives the fish a different look, but different vibrations as well. I've tried changing colors, or size of the same bait and even switching to something altogether different (eg. crank to spinnerbait) and sometimes that will work, too. One other thing that many anglers overlook, is changing the angle of your presentation. You'd be surprised how often that will not only get more fish from an area, but get bites from an area that wasn't producing. As others have mentioned, give the spot a rest and return in 30min. or so. If they aren't following forage, they are/were there for a reason. They will likely still be there.
  4. Another that prefers Costa Green Glass for all conditions. I've tried other brands that have performed well, but my Costa glass lenses don't scratch like plastic and what I see through them seems clearer to me.
  5. Your tackle is up to the task, so I'd agree with you that your hookset is what needs to be addressed. If you were a ball player, swinging for contact and swinging for the fences both accomplish hitting the ball. You should be swinging for the fences with that hookset..
  6. Are you fishing from shore, or from a boat? A little more information about the body of water you're fishing, what locations and cover you're targeting, and what baits you've been using would help here. When it comes to big bass, location and presentation are of utmost importance. They don't get big chasing forage, but almost always position themselves at prime ambush spots. The exception would be during the spawn and if you're fishing from shore, the spawn is your best bet for catching a big girl.
  7. Something to think about and this in no way disses Rage Tail or other action trailers: If you can, watch a craw as it scoots away from danger, specifically as it falls back to the bottom. You can see for yourself why chunk style trailers are so effective. Unless the water I'm fishing offers poor visibility and the added vibration is a plus, a Zoom Salty Chunk is what I reach for in clear water.
  8. I don't see the need for backing on a BFS reel. IMO, the spool's line capacity, even for thin diameter line doesn't warrant the little you'd save using backing.
  9. Congrats on a job well done. I,for one, wouldn't have put the time in to do it. 3-4 hours of work for a reel priced around $50 doesn't compute in my pea brain. Now a $300 reel..... I'd send it off to DVT and let them do the work. Can you say lazy?
  10. I've really been struggling this summer. Finesse soft plastics were the only presentations putting fish in the boat, far from my favorite way to fish. I still start my day throwing hard baits and only switch to the finesse stuff if they don't get any love. Twice last week, I switched from my normal cranks, swimbaits and spinners to smaller versions and was surprised when the bass didn't continue to ignore those faster presentations. Crappie sized cranks, small jerkbaits and even a Strike King Mini-King, which accounted for 15 of the 20 fish I boated on Thursday, I'm happily surprised that they worked when the bigger versions were ignored. The overall size of the fish didn't diminish. I caught my biggest fish since June burning a small crank. Anyone else tried downsizing their hard bait presentations when conditions were tough?
  11. First, I'd figure out the bottom composition. Is there any change from, say, hard to soft bottom, or areas of rock or bottom hugging weeds? The best way to do that is with a tungsten weighted T-Rig. Go with a 3/8oz. so you can maintain bottom contact and just drag it along the bottom. Be sure to count it down as you fan cast the area. You may discover a spot where the water gets deeper, or shallower. That change in depth, or changes in bottom composition may be your best options for finding fish. Then go back over those areas with your favorite bait. I'd suggest a Senko, or tube.
  12. Isn't that the same guy that holds his spinning rod with the reel on top?
  13. I have two rods that are acid (spiral) wrapped. The only guide that is on the top side of the rod is the first one. The next two spiral around the blank until the remaining guides are underneath like a spinning rod. There is little difference in casting performance and IMO, the overall sensitivity is enhanced. I highly doubt a couple of guides slightly off center would make a difference.
  14. Mepp's in-line spinners. The Aglia and Squirrel Tail versions will catch just about anything that's worth catching.
  15. We have a WINNER!!!
  16. WOW! I didn't know they could swallow something that big.
  17. Ardent Reel Kleen. I'll go through a 16oz bottle in a season.
  18. So far, mine has been uneventful. A combination of less time on the water and tough conditions when I was able to get out have been the reasons. The light at the end of the tunnel, for me, is the fact that summer isn't over and my outboard should be up and running in a couple of days.
  19. I do the camo deal on my Hi-Viz braid. The last 18in. or so gets it. The super clear visibility of my favorite lake had me doing the fluoro leader for a couple of years. I haven't noticed any difference since I changed. Straight Hi-Viz was never an option.
  20. Seeing as bass rarely do what I feel they should be doing, I try not to. Needless to say, I fail at not trying.
  21. I learned my lesson using snaps a few seasons ago. I found out the hard way that you need to retie often no matter your connection, be it a split ring, snap, or direct tie. I still use snaps for everything blade baits, cranks, jerkbaits, topwaters, most treble hook lures. I just make sure I retie before every outing and whenever I question the knot's integrity.
  22. I've been using Lucas products. Their reel grease is sold under the Lews label and the oil under their own. Cal's is all I use on my drags.
  23. This is an easy one. Only counting bassin' combos, 15. I also own another 16 rods that get limited use, so I just swap out reels when I do use them. Please don't ask about crankbaits and if you get around to soft plastics, I'd have to answer in pounds, not packages.
  24. Sounds to me like old line or line that wasn't stored properly. I purchased a spool of this line that was bad and blame myself because of where I purchased it from. Wasn't a high volume sales shop and it was likely sitting on the shelf for too long.
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