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MN Fisher

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Everything posted by MN Fisher

  1. We don't have any real teams in Minnesota anymore - so don't feel so bad.
  2. Having been certified SCUBA since 1977, I can attest that everything you say is true.
  3. We're looking at another 2"-4" here on Friday.
  4. Finger strength too. I rock-climbed when I was younger and it drove people nuts when I did pull-ups using the narrow ledge of a door-jamb.
  5. I'll do that - since my DS rig is the Avocet, something that behaves on Spinning gear is better.
  6. Given my budgetary restraints - would Red Label be good enough?
  7. Since I haven't spooled my reels for this season yet, you think it's a good idea to get the FC instead of spooling Mono? I'm not planning on DSing deep - probably 15' or less, and most of my tosses will be away from the canoe instead of straight down.
  8. Question I have @Glenn, is FC better for a DS rig than the Mono I've been using? Definitive proof or just personal preference.
  9. Hmmm - I've got a camp grill that runs off of bottled propane. I could set it up on the middle seat between the outrigger mounts. Oh the possibilities.
  10. Cattle-prods work wonders. ?
  11. Slowpoke - once I have the trailer assembled and the canoe on it. When I want to go - 5 minutes to hook it up and drive away. Since I'll be storing it in the locked garage, I never have to remove anything from it.
  12. Minnehaha Creek is the only one close - but it's the far side of Minnetonka from me (Minnehaha drains Minnetonka into the Mississippi). So not in my 'fishing range'. Crow River is a bit further away.
  13. Probably because the only lake I fish that has smallies according to the DNR surveys is Minnetonka. Since I only fish Phelps Bay, they may not congregate in that particular spot.
  14. Dunno - never caught a smallie. Also found this info - The growth rate of bass in Mille Lacs is slow due to the water's cold temperatures. A 20 to 21 inch fish may be 11 to 15 years old - so 5#-6# are older than your 10#.
  15. Only ones I take home for the grill/broiler are between 2# and 3#...maybe a 4#er once in a while. Once they get larger than that they start getting too gamy. Remember that they grow slower here and the state record is just under 9#...so we don't get the big ones you do and our 5#ers are probably as old as your 9#-10#ers.
  16. I've mentioned it before in this thread - I prefer the taste of Bass to the taste of Walleye/Sauger, Pike, or Perch.
  17. I can agree that salt-water fish are better tasting, I grew up in MA - but the closest ocean to me is a thousand miles.
  18. It's probably going to be off...our two-week forecast has us approaching freezing for highs - while the average for that same time is near 40. I think ice-out is going to be late again this year - average ice-out date is April 14...just hopefully not as late as last year - May 5
  19. Well, bit lower price and it seems to be in stock here. https://tackletrap.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=8430
  20. https://www.tackledirect.com/st-croix-axc64mxf-avid-x-casting-rod.html
  21. That might be so...but when a site inflates the MSRP of one line of products, that makes me wonder what else they do.
  22. You'd need the discount. Took a look at their site - their 'discounted' prices are what Pflueger charges normally. So Lifestyle's 'list' prices are heavily inflated.
  23. Depends on what you grew up with. I still find spinners easier to use than BCs. I started using spinners in the 60s, got my first BC in the late 80s. After 20 years using nothing but spinning reels, it was a learning curve to be able to use the BC effectively.
  24. I'd agree with the 25 on a ML The Pflueger 20 size would be UL
  25. x3 on the 30 size for a M/F rod. That's my setup - Pflueger Trion-30 on a M/F Ugly Stick
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