Back when I had the 14' Runabout, I'd occasional camp on one of the islands in Minnetonka. Years of Boy Scouts, survival training in the military and just general common sense gives me these additions
1. Bring a tarp as well - either for use as a ground-cloth or to set up as cover in case your tent has issues.
2. Even if it's spring/early summer - some long-johns would be a good idea.
3. Yes, yes, yes. Something heavy on top of the cooler. If you don't have a cooler, a 'bear bag' to hang from a tree branch.
4. Bring both - always have a backup for something.
5. Bring two.
6. Should go without saying.
7. Even packages of crackers and cheese from the convenience store counter - protein and carbs.
8. Boat camping makes this less necessary, but don't go overboard on supplies - pack what you need.
9. In ziplocs in several places - including your back pocket
10. Fire starting - always have at least 2 ways to start a fire and know how to use them. I always had 3...lighter, magnesium w-striker, waterproofed matches.