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MN Fisher

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Everything posted by MN Fisher

  1. Surprised that not everyone has the disposable income to afford more than one vehicle?
  2. Well, when you can only afford to have one vehicle, you get one that's multi-purpose.
  3. 2001 Chevy Silverado LS, Extended Cab. More than enough 'oomph' to tow my canoe as it's equipped with the towing package.
  4. I'm going to offer a third alternative - modified canoe. Here's my rig.
  5. 6 - not much of a fan of Opera. Someone commented elsewhere that 'Big Band' was the Devil's Music - if so, I'm going to enjoy my time 'down below'.
  6. Given my experiences with them - a Fuego CT for $50 or less...or a President for almost free.
  7. See now that sucks - in MN the age for free hunting/fishing is 90. Maybe we live longer here?
  8. Ours is more expensive - $522 for a lifetime sports license (fishing and small-game hunting) if purchased before they're 3 years old.
  9. Glenn is the creator/administrator of this site. You can access the videos either through the 'Video' link at the top of the page or through his Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCdHdCPXuADkMFzYnbeG2-w
  10. So those of use who practice selective harvest are increasing the average IQ of the lake and making it harder to catch the remainder?
  11. Depends entirely on your monetary situation far as I'm concerned. For me that amounts to Over $150 - High End $80 - $150 - Moderate $50-$80 - Affordable Under $50 - Budget Saying that, I have one reel that's Moderate, 2 reels that are Affordable, 2 reels that are Budget - 3 Rods that are Affordable and 2 rods that are Budget
  12. I enjoy being alone in the canoe, going where I want to try on the lake without worrying about the other person wanting to try someplace else. Also with the home situation, scheduling outings is very problematical so being able to go with someone else would be very difficult.
  13. I looked at the various mapping apps for phone/tablet. Went with I-Boating's app. Half the price of Navonics and includes waypoints and trip saver. Check it out.
  14. Sounds like there's a short somewhere in the system.
  15. I'm with @Scott F - reel capacity is way more than I'll use in a season (or 2 or 3 for braid) even with multiple lure changes and retying, so I don't worry it.
  16. It's nice to see Minnetonka on the list - gives me hope that I'll catch something good this year.
  17. I'd love to see the lakes...but the slideshow doesn't function for me. They use to publish the list, where is that?
  18. Hmmm...I'm just the reverse. I cut braid with the back, mono and FC with the tips.
  19. After trying Fiskars scissors, electronic side cutters, nail clippers and anything else I had around and never getting a clean cut...broke down and got a pair of Boomerangs - they work great.
  20. There's a bit of a difference between Mikey and Capt. McCord...the Capt. was innocent. (Ya, I watched that series when I was a kid)
  21. I wear a 10 Wide...but I've found shoes at decent prices that fit me just fine.
  22. If it HAS to be for sneakers only - I'd tell them to save $170...the one's I'd want only cost $30 If it's for shoes in general Pair of Sneakers. Pair of steel-toe work boots (mine are getting a little ratty). Pair of dress ankle boots (gives me two pair). Pair of good quality sandals. I would never spend $200 just for a pair of sneakers...I don't run, I don't cross-train...so why do I need those specialty sneakers?
  23. It's held up in court here...you're required to have the Trout Stamp in MN if you fish any designated trout lake or Lake Superior.
  24. Here in MN, it's $25 for an individual license...$71 for a 3-year license or (at my age) $379 for a lifetime license. Trout/Salmon stamps are $10 a year, + $0.75 if you want the physical picture stamp. Licenses are good from March 1 to Feb 28 (29) the following year...not the calendar year. License must be on the person but doesn't have to be visible - I carry mine in my wallet.
  25. One job I worked at, we were building specialty parts-cleaning machines for companies like Seagate and Hutchinson Tech. Anytime the specs called for a Torx-head screw, we had to special order those...they are NOT standard. Slot, Phillips, Hex we carried in stock...those are the standard.
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