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MN Fisher

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Everything posted by MN Fisher

  1. Ours is even more strict - no releasing minnows that have been collected for bait into the waters...even one's you caught on that lake. They all must be trashed. Contact the F&W to see if they're considered minnows and what the regs are. Some places they're not 'minnows' but a species of 'small fish'...nit-picky, but that's the way it is. Get a 5-gallon bucket...change water daily. And everything loves skeeter larvae - I use to catch them to feed my tropicals and they went nuts over the larvae.
  2. Daiwa Fuego CT - despite having several more expensive reels, I still have a couple in my lineup. Right now - you can get one from Amazon for under $100 https://www.amazon.com/Daiwa-0001-4482-Fgct100Hs-Fuego-Speed/dp/B06VWMR5S3?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1&psc=1
  3. I've been disassembling/reassembling stuff since I was a kid. Reels aren't any more complex than some of the things I've worked on, though I don't take them all the way down for cleaning...just to get the majority of the parts.
  4. Well, Omnia is easy....I was talking about getting to Kittery...
  5. So is Omnia when you get down to brass tacks...but most of us can't easily get there....last time I was in Maine was around 1971-72.
  6. TW has Eagle Claw twistlock swimbait hooks...1/4oz with a 3/0 hook, which is the right size for that 3.8 Kietech. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Eagle_Claw_Lazer_Sharp_Weighted_60_Degree_SwmbtHook_3pk/descpage-ECSWBHK.html
  7. Looks to be a mosquito fish to me... Far as keeping them - check your regs...some species aren't allowed to be kept. Then basically in an un-aerated, tank with decent surface area ('box' or drinking trough type) you want 1 gallon of water for every inch of fish....if you got 20 that are 2" long each, then it'd be 40 gallons...if it's a tall container with more depth than surface area - double that.
  8. Sorry to hear of this - and I have to add, don't forget the sunglasses unless you want to end up like me. Lost the right eye to cancer caused by...you guessed it...not wearing protection for my eyes from UV radiation.
  9. I had the grappling style for the canoe...on an anchor trolley of course...worked quite well.
  10. Pflueger's sizes are a little wonky Pflueger: Others: 20 500 25 1000 30 2500 35 3000 40 4000
  11. Heck, I'm running 15# and 20# braid on 2500 reels...no issues with either of them...I don't even use my one 3000 reel.
  12. Those two do carry it - as well as TW - https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/RAID_Japan_Egu_Chunk_/descpage-RDEC.html My local shop, Waypoint - https://waypointanglersupply.com/product/egu-chunk/ and even Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/レイドジャパン-Raid-Japan-EGU-Chunk/dp/B0CGHBJW9K
  13. Another advantage of AGMs is that you can mount them on their sides, front or back....just not upside-down. Makes squeezing them into tight spaces easier.
  14. Instead of the $15 plastic VMC pliers - go with a $8 Nasal Speculum....does the exact same job and is metal so will probably last a lot longer. I'm using 3/4" lengths of silicon tubing instead of rings, allows me to rig it lengthwise or crosswise and I use a nasal speculum to install the tubing on the worm. $7 for a 10' length of tube, which equates to 160 'rings'.
  15. I actually consider that a positive since draining one to zero charge might cause it to not want to charge up again
  16. Limited time at Omnia - 25% off ALL Strike King...dunno when it ends.
  17. I'd probably take a pic for myself then let it go. If I went 'public' with it, there'd be no end of people bugging me with - 'What was the weather like?', 'How deep was it?', 'What lure and presentation did you use?' - everyone trying for as much information as they could get to try and beat it. Na - I'd know I'd caught it and that's good enough for me.
  18. Sounds right - if you draw it down to near zero charge, just a bit over 7 hours for that battery/draw.
  19. Or even more recent. Zoom's Fluke Tail Goby is a great little bait for drop-shot or finesse-Jika, but it's not made anymore. I've had to fill in from places that still have some stock - including Evil-Bay. With other makers coming out with Goby style baits, you'd think Zoom would dig out the molds and put it back into production.
  20. Ya - suggestion would be to go straight FC or straight braid...I won't buy a microguide rod for that reason.
  21. Quick ones that will hold? Alberto or Albright. I prep my rigs with a FG, but if I have to re-do leaders on the water, it's an Alberto. It's quick, it's slender and it's strong enough.
  22. That seems to be the way things are going - more manufacturers are removing the A/R switch. I think Shimano started it - and the newer model Pflueger reels are also now without it.
  23. Far from it, dear - your catch rate is head-and-shoulders above mine...I wish I could do 1/10th as well as you do on the water.
  24. I keep all my plastics in bags...sometimes not the ones they came in though. I get laminated bait bags from These People...they even hold up to Elaztech. Lets me custom-size the bags to the bait instead of having bags that are WAY too big for some of them. Then those bags go into Plano Open Compartment boxes (3607-10 or 3707-10) sorted by type (Stick Baits, Craws, Paddletails, etc)
  25. Between the bunks, the keel roller is just to help center the boat....so just touching. Beyond the bunks, it provides support for the boat...so a little more firm on the pressure there.
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