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Everything posted by CHIP-MAINE

  1. got pb smallie-6ish and close to pb larges-8ish last year by thinking outside the box.got the smallie in deep water just about dark on a topwater in an area heavily fished. got the larges carrying my kayak into a new spot which i had fished but not had much luck there before. could tell never fished from the water much because no place to launch a boat on the stream in that area.
  2. it is huge, but many coves with shallow water. was suppose to fish it for the first time last year but plans fell through. many and big pike i have heard so you might ant to bring wire leader. does have a boat launch. if you have never been to this area you will love it. i have fished long pond and belgrade stream, north pond. i have heard there are pike as big as logs in it. do really well in that area on #4 and5 mepps. silver or gold blade and yellow or white hair i like best because i see them better but i think any color will work. get mostly large in this area but there are some huge smallies. if you want to get a great scenic view of the area go up to the belgrade golf course. it sits on a hill and is surrounded by lakes. they do stock this pond with trout and supposedly there is some walleye.
  3. here in maine after many years otherwise, most ponds and lakes are open year round but most stream and brooks dont open till april 1st. have have bass the first week of april in ponds that the water turns over fast.
  4. here in maine if we cant pronounce a lake or spell it we just shorten the name of (cobbesecconte)-maybe?goes to cobbessee
  5. lmao- i dont think i can count that high. i have more than that in every sleeve and i have many sleeves. i do have many that i use most of the time which would mean i dont need that many-lol. last wife said i had to much fishing stuff-lol. maybe thats why she isnt around any more. need more in line spinners on that list. my best lure is a #4 or #5 mepps.
  6. always start with a #4 or5 mepps. silver or gold blade- yellow or white hair. use this for small or large bass-rivers or ponds. most of the time if they wont grab these they just wont bite anything
  7. lol- they all seem to work here in maine. my best one last year was still catching them when i lost it eventhough it didnt have much paint left on it. have found if the fish dont hit during the day in the summer they sometimes will go wild on topwater poppers just about dark and after.got a headlamp for this.
  8. best place to fish for them is where they are. have a small stream i fish for large and large stream i fish for smallies. sometimes i have found thinking outside the box helps. got my biggest smallies last year fishing topwater in deepwater just about dark in large river. who would have tried this.ps -not the only time this has worked for me.
  9. after a year of catching many fives i got one over six. some day im gonna get some of my pics on here
  10. smallies are all muscle and dont give up and love to jump.largies just use their brute strength. have a place 5minutes away with 5lb smallies and 20minutes away 5lb large. both rivers.
  11. i use the same gear day to day for smallies and large. even same lures. they both seem to love #4&5 mepps
  12. saw this as an old post but i live in lewiston and do much better for smallmouths above the turnpike.a number of places to put in and easy access.3 different dams in area so fish dont go far. many 5lb and very willing to hit. had many times i was the only person fishing. i fish from a kayak usually. large mepps works best for me but topwater later in year. might even find a big pike . want any other info hit me up.
  13. check amazon- i just bought a portable handheld fish finder for less than $40. should be great for kayak and ice fishing
  14. had one and bought a pelican from dicks last year for the rest of the family. like the pelican better for fishing. easy to carry and great for fishing.
  15. hi from lewiston maine- where are you at
  16. bought a pelican from dicks this year. light and easy to carry. bring 2 rods which i put under straps on front when not fishing, net which i dont usually use that i put in rod holders behind me and i have a couple zip up bags that will fit 2 clear boxes and odds and end stuff i put between my legs. i will change up boxes a little depending on season ,what i am fishing for. wear my lightweight safety vest. just bought a portable /handheld fishifinder on amazon.i can actually make 1 trip to and from water.plenty of room when fishing eventhough i am 6-3. i am looking at getting rod holders from amazon for it
  17. just because a lure is beat up doesnt mean it wont catch fish. my best topwater this year had hardly any paint left on it until i finally lost it to a bass. mepps are my go to lure and mine are pretty beat up. still fine after skirt is gone and sometimes i will lose a barb.i release bass anyway.
  18. i dont hunt anymore but i do take every chance i get to help people out about fishing here in maine. pulled up to the stream one day and the hatchery truck pulled in right behind me. geared up for fly fishing only stream and then checked on what they were putting in. bunch of brookies and 100 bigger brookies. only fisherman there so i was in no hurry. young boy and his grandmother had stopped to see the fish. asked the boy if he would like to catch one. he finally agreed and i took him down to stream edge. he caught a smaller one right off and we let it go. i told him he couldnt leave till he got a big one. right after he tied into one and after a good fight netted it. allowed to keep one there so talked into taking it home to show his dad who was a big fisheman. all this time the hatchery workers were watching and enjoying what they were seeing. kids are our future . have a special needs step-daughter that i made sure to get a free lifetime fishing license for. most schools and groups dont push these for special needs kids in maine. also help adults on where(except a few special places) and what to use. people that get bored get disappointed in fishing. can hand someone a fish or teach them to fish-lol- have handed out a few too.
  19. most fishing in here in maine is for trout and pike in the winter. have fished all the lakes but for trout in winter. fish mostly bass in open water. could try cobbessecconte. lots if bass in summer. fished for trout and pike mostly in the winter. annabasacook right above it is another option. come back in open water and try lewiston and below on the androscoggin. actually a lot of open water right now but i wouldnt want to be out there in a boat.
  20. been doing well on the androscoggin river so far. not quite as well as last year because there doesnt seem to be as much weed growth as last year maybe because of the long and cold spring run off. got my pb smallie last month on top water in deep water just before dark behind mardens in lewiston. do real well on #4 and #5 mepps. believe me- THEY ARE NOT TO BIG! was eyeballing below the New Auburn bridge this morning where i have done well.
  21. you guys need to vacation in maine. caught 70 largemouths with one being about 8lbs. in a 5 hour stretch earlier in the year. another day got about 40 with 8 over fivelbs (some well over) someday i will try to take pics off the phone and put them on here. not technically good with electronics. lucky i got on here-lol
  22. i took my biggest smallmouth ever ( over 6 lbs) on the androscoggin river here in lewiston last week. was catching smaller fish near shore and around weeds. about dark i put a top water on and cast it to deep water. this isnt the first time this has worked for me in this river sometimes thinking outside the box seems to help with me. around dark and on overcast days are always best. fished one pond in oxford that wasnt worth fishing during the day but every night during the summer a big bug hatch would start just before dark.
  23. water was higher and colder this year because of spring runoff, androscoggin river is still that way with no weed growth. the smallies are just starting to hit. cobbesecontee stream is now low with lots of weed growth and the largemouths fishing has been amazing.
  24. just started hitting smallies on androscoggin river. still running high, cold and no weed growth. largemouths on cobbeseccontee stream have been phenominal. have only been able to get out 5 times, mid day even. want to get out just before dark with top water.
  25. been catching great large mouth numbers and size on cobbesecontee stream. smallmouth fishing on the androscoggin river hasnt heated up yet because i believe the high water still because of runoff. if you havent tried either of these they are my 2 favorites. deffinatly worth the drives.
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