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Everything posted by CHIP-MAINE

  1. lewiston here- love fishing the andro for smallies there is bass fishing group on facebook for maine that gets a lot more attention
  2. there are many places to fish andro river with bass boat.most people go up to turner to boat launch there. gives you a lot of area to roam up and down river. my favorite area is in the lewiston/auburn area. good boat launch just above great falls on auburn side between 2 dams. another is on lewiston side below new auburn bridge. little shallower putting in but great smallie fishing. i fish these two spots from kayak and do very well.
  3. to far to canoe but can haul it to the other end and fish the heath.great fishing for bass.
  4. how about rivers also- got 6lb in androscoggin river last year. also many 5s
  5. i live in lewiston and love to fish for smallies in the androscoggin and largemouth in the cobbesecontee. i have 2 kayaks . love to fish for big and many fish. i do the same thing falling back on places and lures but it seems to work VERY well for me. am willing to try new things. maybe we can share some secrets and catch fish at a better level.
  6. sorry about that but we need to keep our state healthy. we have our numbers going down and dont need people bringing more cases in. i am all for closing the border for the season though i am in the tourism related industry. i have family in nh and mass. but we need to stop this now. i am all for putting state police right on the border.
  7. do really well with #4 mepps in silver or gold blade and yellow or white hair. later in year i go to a #5 size
  8. #4 or #5 mepps gold or silver blade and yellow or white hair. catch 90% of my bass on this. believe that they feel the vibration of the big blade on their lateral line that attracts them. can also see the lure coming threw the water if it gets struck from behind. had a day i caught over 100 bass without changing my lure and 2 days later got over 75. few years after that i lost one that looked over 8lbs in the same spot but five minutes later caught one about that big.this is maine and those are big numbers in this state. also- they are liked bye smallies around 5lbs also.
  9. #4 mepps silver or gold blade- yellow or white hair #5 mepps silver or gold blade- yellow or white hair medium size floating repala fish finish medium size rattle trap 2 different size and shape topwater poppers
  10. i bought a handheld portable fish finder off amazon for like $40. cant wait to use it in my kayak tried it once ice fishing this winter. didnt catch any but just getting used to it. fish a river that am unsure of most of the depth.
  11. the governor has issued an order that fishing in most of the state is now open. also i license isnt needed till may so people can get out of the house and get fresh air. stay safe
  12. i have always done well with these. like 3-4" ones that look like trout do real well. do best with flooaters because they are versatile. try giving little jerks when reeling it in stoping and starting and i have done great throwing it out and just twitching it on the surface. you can also manuver it around things just by letting it float to the surface.
  13. been out after smallies on the river here in maine. water is still real cold and havent found any yet. early spring so fishing might heat up early in april. found that some small ponds the water turns over after ice out faster and largemouth move in.
  14. actually it went out in maine earlier the year govenor lepage made fishing year round.remember fishing in my kayak in march on a pond in windham. actually saw bass moving in to the warmer water but they werent ready to bite. that was the first year sebago didnt freeze for the derby
  15. mepps makes a thunder bug that i got 3 19" brookies on the first 2 days i used them, plus other nice brookies. these hit the all red firefly.
  16. my favorite spot for smallies is 5 min. from my house. throw kayak in truck and im right there. favorite spot for large is about an hour away but worth the drive.
  17. i have been hammering smallies in a big river here in maine the last 2 years on mepps. silver or gold blade and white or yellow hair in #4 or #5. no- they are not to big . small mouths love these. so do largemouths. later on in the season i usually have one of these on one rod and a top water on the other.
  18. i do a lot of wading for bass if i dont have my kayak with me. it helps you get out away from the bank and away from obstacles that make casting hard. start along the edge and see what the bottom feels like. if it is hard move around but with small careful steps. dont go out any further than you feel comfortable with. just moving a little out will help with angle and distance. all bottoms are different. might be soft in one part of pond but hard in others.
  19. d**n - just got done ordering sonme from dicks because they were such a good price and i dont have them. gonna try a few different lures this year and try to get away from same old stuff.
  20. walked along the Androscoggin River in Lewiston yesterday. about time to get out there and catch some smallies. if you have never fished this river and would like some info hit me up. this river has amazing numbers and size and there are times i will be the only person out there.
  21. i like to get their attention- had some amazing fishing with smallies and largemouth in the last few years. i beleve the larger blades vibration attracks them because of their lateral line which is sensetive to vibration.
  22. #1 lure for me is a #4 or #5 mepps. buy some of these because they will outdo any rooster tail. laremouth or smallie streams or lakes. yellow or gold blade with white or yellow hair si i can see it better but i think the bass like the more vibration with the bigger blade
  23. #1 lure in my box is #4 and #5 mepps . like the silver or gold blade and white or yellow hair so i can see them better but i think the vibration with the bigger blade is what does the trick
  24. got my pb smallie 6ib just about dark on topwater. buy a headlamp and your all set. stuff that makes noise
  25. i have done well with the yellow curly tail in the past. now i just go the other way with a #4 or #5 mepps. gold or silver blade and yellow or white hair are my favorites because i see them better, but i think its all about the vibration of the larger blade
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