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Everything posted by EGbassing

  1. Probably prespawn right now. That's all the advice I have unfortunately. ?
  2. Didn't say it was definitely true, just stating what somebody said.
  3. I love mine. I think somebody on here said his SLX casted farther than his Curado. They're also the lowest profile reels on the market right now.
  4. You might want to look into a Shimano SLX. The casting is amazing and they're all around just really nice for only $100.
  5. Is that the part that leads into the ocean?
  6. I used expensive braid and flourocarbon for a while but came back to Big Game because it's a twentieth of the price and there's just not that much of a difference. @Catt still uses it too. It's good line for the price.
  7. I have to close them out of whatever room I'm respooling in because of this. ?
  8. Generally two of my fingers are on the grip, two are on the exposed blank that my Lew's Carbon Fire has, and the fifth is on the top of the reel. That's just me though.
  9. My cat found a spro bucktail jig in the garage once and just carried it around for a while before I noticed and got it away from him. Somehow he didn't hook himself, fortunately. This is him (on the far right) and his siblings watching TV ?
  10. Forgot to add this: is 12 lb. Big Game Mono a good choice or is that going to be too light?
  11. Don't you have a video about this, and a few other techniques that help with what OP described? I remember watching something like that when I was getting ready for a beach trip last year and it helped me a lot. Edit: Found it.
  12. No need for more than 11 lbs. If you're in a rare situation where you really just need more than 11 lbs. you could always switch to another reel, but that's not common.
  13. Have you considered the Big Fish 105 kayak? I don't have one but I'm planning on getting one soon and they look really nice.
  14. Cork looks nicer imo but in terms of functionality I think the winn grips always win.
  15. I fish heavy cover with 6 pound line sometimes and never break fish off. The only reason that works is because every time I hook a fish in shallow cover in the pond I fish, it rockets for open water the second I set the hook. I don't understand it, but they never move towards cover when they're hooked in this pond.
  16. I'm going to Seaside Florida in a few weeks and I want to fish there but I have no idea what I'm doing so I need some help. I tried to fish last year but the water was full of seaweed so I caught a lot of that, but no fish. Anyway, I don't think it will be like that this year, but I just realized that the Cabela's Whuppin Stick I used last year is a Medium/Moderate rod. I thought it was a Heavy power that whole time. Do I need a new rod (I'll mainly be fishing 1/2 oz. Spro bucktail jigs) or will the medium work? Should I just randomly cast out into the ocean or should I be looking for structure like when I'm bass fishing. I'll have a kayak for a day but the rest of the week I'll be fishing from the shore. Thanks.
  17. How do you like that Lure kayak? I've been thinking about getting one.
  18. Congrats! I bet I would have completely missed that tag and thrown it back without ever knowing. ?
  19. I fish from the bank so it's my only option. I don't want to toss them in the grass (which removes their protective slime coating) and I'm usually by myself, so...
  20. If you're new to fishing there's no need for a complex flow chart. Just fish Texas rigs, jigs, and other slow moving baits when it's sunny, and fish faster moving baits like spinnerbaits, lipless crankbaits, and other fast moving baits when it's overcast. I don't think I have enough experience to help with that, but you can never go wrong with a texas rig or spinnerbait.
  21. What about open water and 70 degrees?
  22. I have MH and a M rod right now. I usually use a MH, but will a Medium power rod work for 5 inch senkos/Yum dingers? I know a medium heavy is best for cover, but is it necessary in open water?
  23. The Zoom flukes I use aren't like that.
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