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Everything posted by EGbassing

  1. Just learned how to tie the Orvis knot and it seems to be a much better knot than the improve clinch. Apparently it's stronger, and it seems to be nearly impossible to burn the line when tying it.
  2. I'll try that. Thanks. Well, I just tried it and it didn't completely eliminate the problem, but definitely helped a lot. I'll try to tie it even looser this time and see if that works. Edit: It worked... Thanks again.
  3. I'm currently tying leaders for saltwater use, (leaving for Florida in a few days) but every time I try to tie the line to a barrel swivel, it ends up with a bunch of small coils in it just above the knot. I'm using mono line, and I've tried the improved clinch knot, palomar, trilene, etc. but they all do it. I heard that wetting the line eliminates this problem, but it doesn't seem to help. (I've even tried tying it underwater...) Am I doing something wrong? I've probably tried to tie on that barrel swivel 100 times now...
  4. If you lift the rod tip up too high/quickly at the end of the pitch, it causes it to go a lot higher, resulting in a bigger splash. Try keeping the bait around 3 inches off the surface throughout the pitch and it shouldn't splash too loudly. Good luck!
  5. I just got the Strike King version of a spook. I was expecting it to walk like a frog, but nope. It's amazing. Definitely my new favorite topwater...
  6. Haha, I'm the opposite. I can go through three reel spools of line in a month. ?
  7. Well, Cabela's is the only tackle shop near me, so...
  8. Thanks. Do you know if Cabela's does it?
  9. I use the Strike king KVD finesse spinnerbaits. They just work.
  10. Where I live, there just aren't usually many people fishing. A lot of times I'm the only one there. So while I've never had to deal with that, I would definitely recommend just driving a bit. You probably shouldn't have to drive more than an hour to find a good lake/pond, so if you can't find anything good near you, I guess the only solution is driving...
  11. Thanks. Would it help you determine whether it's epoxy or not if I posted a picture of it?
  12. I used heat, but it just didn't work. Sorry if that wasn't clear in my post before.
  13. I tried that on one of my old rods and the tip just would not come off. I heated for much longer than you're supposed to, I pulled as hard as I could, it just didn't work. Thanks anyway though.
  14. Recently, when I was fishing, I noticed that the very top guide on my white bird rod (from favorite rods) was broken. I just got the new tip in the mail, but I honestly have no idea how to put it on. Until I replace it, I'm stick using my old $40 combo. Thanks in advance.
  15. Small ribbon tail worm. Make sure you keep your line taut, and set the hook quickly if you feel a tap. They can swallow it, or spit it out in a second if you don't set that hook. Good luck!
  16. Yeah, it looks really nice.
  17. Thanks. I'm leaning towards one with a seat like the one in that picture now.
  18. That should be captioned and posted in the "fishing memes" topic. ? Nice fish by the way!
  19. Caught this one on a zoom lizard this morning.
  20. I was referring to the through-the-gills method.
  21. Yeah. If I hadn't used that method on that one, it would most likely be dead now.
  22. Thanks. I'll keep that in mind next time.
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