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Everything posted by EGbassing

  1. One more question for anyone who knows the answer... Would using this hook for dropshots rather than a standard dropshot hook prevent line twist? https://www.cabelas.com/product/VMC-reg-Spinshot-Drop-Shot-Hook/1307365.uts?productVariantId=3603890&WT.tsrc=PPC&WT.mc_id=GoogleProductAds&WT.z_mc_id1=03748132&rid=20&ds_rl=1252079&gclid=CjwKCAjw6djYBRB8EiwAoAF6oaXrMGdGFq-hhpH6ABSJTamWOuNDIyebuXLNuc-jB2rydA86EmtVpBoC9T8QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  2. Yeah, I almost went with the regular president but it just didn't looks as nice as the XT. I hope it's a good one.
  3. I'll keep that in mind. So straight flourocarbon doesn't twist more than a braid + flouro leader combination?
  4. Just got my first spinning reel for finesse fishing. (ned rigs, shaky heads, drop shot, etc.) It's a size 3000 Pflueger president XT. I was planning on using straight flouro, but I read that it can cause a lot of line twist and other problems like that. Is that true? I really want to stay away from mono due to the low sensitivity of it, and I'd also rather not have to use a leader, but I can if I need to.
  5. Thanks. I just bought the president XT. It looks pretty nice.
  6. Pretty often. At least I tend to catch bigger bass though...
  7. My mom likes fishing more than my dad. However, that's not saying a lot...
  8. Are you casting overhand? If so, I would try more of a sidearm cast. That should help.
  9. Well I didn't try to put my fist in it's mouth, but I'm pretty sure it could. ? Also, I noticed that you live in Madison County Alabama. That's where I live too.
  10. *screaming*
  11. About to buy my first spinning reel for finesse fishing. (ned rigs, drop shot, etc.) I'm kind of leaning towards the new Pflueger President XT. What are the advantages of the XT over the regular version? It'll be paired with a Shimano Clarus spinning rod.
  12. I've never shot an LCR, but my dad shot one at the gun range recently and loved it. He's planning to buy one soon.
  13. Alright. Thanks.
  14. Leaving for Florida in a week. The only reel I have is an Abu Garcia black max baitcaster. I'll make sure it doesn't touch the water or sand, but can it be damaged just by the water from the line? I know that some water from the line comes off on the reel when retrieving a lure, but is that enough to permanently damage the reel? I can wash it off, clean it, lubricate the gears, etc. if it's necessary.
  15. Huh, I'll keep that in mind.
  16. Another zoom lizard bass...
  17. I used to have one of those scales with the hook on it that goes through their gills, but it broke. I haven't bought one since because I read that both the lip clip kind, and the hook kind can injure them, and even kill them sometimes. Is that true?
  18. Yeah, just using the picture that's what I would say. You can tell that the camera is angled downwards a bit though. That seems to make them look shorter.
  19. Just caught this on a zoom lizard. What would you say it weighs? My guess was about 7 pounds when I had it out of water. It looks shorter than it really was because of the downward camera angle...
  20. I would use 40 lb. It sounds like a lot, but 40 lb braid is the diameter of 10 pound test mono.
  21. Thanks! I guess I'll go with the hook kind then. Thanks.
  22. Yeah, it just seemed bigger than 3 in real life. The picture just makes it so hard to tell. Here's a picture of a three: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CAASUE_enUS759US759&biw=1366&bih=677&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=2fQRW4HuDeTZjwTukLCIBA&q=5+lb+bass&oq=5+lb+bass&gs_l=img.3...266179.268535.0.268661. (sorry for the insanely long link) It seemed closer to 5, but it's just hard to tell. Here's another picture. I tried to hold it up and estimate the length while I had it out of water and it seemed around 20". What do you think?
  23. Hard to say exactly, but I would guess around 3" longer than that one. Otherwise about the same.
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