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Everything posted by EGbassing

  1. Just bought my first scale. I got some of those rapala lip grippers and a $5.00 ozark trail scale. The scale is one of those that you set to zero with the knob on the outside. It's only accurate if you set it to about .5 pounds to start out with, but for 5 bucks, I'm not too disappointed. ? Edit: Well I just tried several different weights and it doesn't accurately weigh them....
  2. I honestly think there are some kind of ghosts or something. There are just too many unexplained pictures, stories, etc. I kind of doubt bigfoot is real though...
  3. New PB. I don't own a scale but I'm buying one tomorrow... That picture angle didn't do him justice at all.
  4. You never see them swimming in a circle because it would take days for losing their slime coating to affect them. It's not like hooking them in the gills where they immediately go belly up...
  5. Fish with barbless hooks for a while. You get really good at fighting the fish that way. Not to mention that they make releasing them much easier.
  6. I've heard that both of those ways can injure them. Is that true?
  7. I was reading through forums on weighing fish and a few people said to put them in a grocery bag and attach the scale to the handles. Does the grocery bag not wipe away their protective slime coating like grass does? If so, what kind of bag should I use?
  8. Thank you. I'll try to pick up one of those next time I'm at Wal-Mart.
  9. Jokes aside, I wouldn't spend the money.
  10. Yikes. As I said up there, I've never had one actually eat my lure, but I snagged one recently on a red eye shad and that stupid thing would not stop trying to bite me. I realized after I got the hook out and released it that I had been yelling at it for biting me. ?
  11. Thank you sir. That's a good fish.
  12. Thank you brother. Also, no offense taken. I see your point. ? What type of scale would you recommend? I've heard people say that the hook type damages their gills, and I've also heard that the clip on kind damages their jaw bone. Are either of those things true? I'd like to be able to weigh them but it wouldn't be worth it if it really decreased their chances of survival. Yeah, as I said up there, I really want to weight them but I don't know which type of scale to buy. I release all mine so I don't want one that's going to damage their gills or something. Thanks. I would have lifted it up but I needed 2 hands to support its body because lifting one that big straight up by the lip can injure them. I only have 2 hands, so I couldn't have gotten a picture at all if I'd used them both to hold it. I also unfortunately go into full autopilot mode when I hook anything over 5 pounds... ? Thanks. You should come down to AL. The pond I fish regularly produces 5 - 10 pounders. The guides on Guntersville give you half your money back if you don't catch one over 5 pounds on a trip with them. ?
  13. Yeah, same here. My estimation when I was holding it up was about 10 - 11 lbs., but by the picture, I would say about 7 - 8 lbs. I always get bad camera angles when I take pictures of fish...
  14. Oh, thanks. What would you say it weighs? It looks so much smaller in the picture for some reason.
  15. Let's see if this works: https://postimg.cc/image/xjq5rzgz5/
  16. Just caught my PB again. It was caught on one of those giant double willow spinnerbaits. As soon as I set the hook, it jumped. I'll never forget that. It had to be 10 lbs. Didn't get a weight but I did get a wierdly angled picture; it doesn't do him justice at all. For some reason the file is too big to upload. Any other way to do it?
  17. Never any birds, but I've had hundreds of turtles attack my topwaters. Never hooked one before somehow... Edit: are you sure it was an owl? Could have been a flying bigfoot.
  18. Interesting. Thanks. I'm catching about .25 bass every hour where I fish so I'm hoping SC has better bass populations. ?
  19. Nice. I was reading through some old posts about chatterbait trailers and noticed that you said to try a craw type bait rigged sideways. Well, I'm leaving for the lake now and I put a rage craw rigged sideways on the hook, but why do you do that? Wouldn't it be more realistic rigged straight?
  20. Nice. On average, how many bass do you catch per hour?
  21. True. Guess I'll try it out and if I'm getting short strikes, take it off.
  22. I would think about it, but they never seem to have a problem getting the hook in their mouth on 12+ inch worms t-rigged.
  23. Huh. Think I should just leave the ribbon tails at home then?
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