Thank you brother. Also, no offense taken. I see your point. ? What type of scale would you recommend? I've heard people say that the hook type damages their gills, and I've also heard that the clip on kind damages their jaw bone. Are either of those things true? I'd like to be able to weigh them but it wouldn't be worth it if it really decreased their chances of survival.
Yeah, as I said up there, I really want to weight them but I don't know which type of scale to buy. I release all mine so I don't want one that's going to damage their gills or something.
Thanks. I would have lifted it up but I needed 2 hands to support its body because lifting one that big straight up by the lip can injure them. I only have 2 hands, so I couldn't have gotten a picture at all if I'd used them both to hold it. I also unfortunately go into full autopilot mode when I hook anything over 5 pounds... ?
Thanks. You should come down to AL. The pond I fish regularly produces 5 - 10 pounders. The guides on Guntersville give you half your money back if you don't catch one over 5 pounds on a trip with them. ?