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About Firetiger17

  • Birthday December 17

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  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
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  1. Hey, anyone fishing this particular rod? I am searching for any information on it! Thanks
  2. This helps me a lot! Problem is I already have a MH Rod for Jigs, which is performing well at 3/4oz! So maybe the 765 is too similar, I was actually looking for a rod with more like a "real" 1 1/2oz Power, but not a 2oz flipping stick, something in between would be perfect. What do you mean by the 765 is limited to 1oz? In casting weight?
  3. Hey, does anybody use this rod or know something about it? I find it on Tackle Warehouse https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Dobyns_Sierra_Series_Casting_Rods/descpage-SSCC.html but not on the Dobyns Website? It really is the SA765FP model, rated on TWH to 1 1/4oz, on other sites https://www.hookd4life.com/product/dobyns-sierra-series-rods it is rated up to 2oz? Any information would be great, thanks!
  4. Wow, this is giving me confidence, your rig looks great! I just ordered some FC Sniper in 16lb now, will fish it on a 6.3 gear ratio, maybe higher. I was asking mself if the wires still bend open to make the trailers look more like a fleeing baitball when you make short pauses in your retrieve by using FC for this application? I think this is very important to this rig! My water has a visibility of 10ft sometimes so I need FC but dont want to miss this special bending effect of the wires because of line stretch, even with FC Sniper.
  5. Hey, so you fish A-Rigs on a MH Setup? What casting weight is your 7'2 rod rated?
  6. Hey guys, I am searching for a very light A-Rig setup to target european bass, here the lakes are smaller and we have to throw more finesse like stuff. What I want to throw is this Rig: Picasso BFL Smackdown Finesse https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Picasso_BFL_Smackdown_Five_Blade_Umbrella_Rigs/descpage-PSD5.html, maybe even remove some of the blades and go with 3x 3/16oz heads + 3inch Keitechs. So I was wondering if a 7'3 MH rated up to 20lb line would be enough (paired with braided line) to throw it? I have a Palms Molla MSGC-73MHF if anyone knows that rod in the USA Anyone else throwing A-Rigs on lighter setups? Tight lines from Germany, the country with no Bass!
  7. So I got me the 6'4'' few days ago, paired it with my Daiwa Alphas and Defier Armilo 11lb and it rocks! It is not as light as the Majorcraft Speedstyle Glass M Power that my friend uses for his topwater but still impresses me for this price! The short handle is so great for popper fishing! So i put the rod on my scale, here is the weight: 4.4 Oz / 126g Aspius on a Finesse Buzzbait today, the rod really has some power in it!
  8. Hey I really like the Action and design of the 6'4'' Medium, maybe I will order me one for my Bass fishing in Spain. I heard these Rods tend to be a little bit underrated? Is the 5/8oz more like a 3/4oz max? I could not find the weight of the 6'4'', is it below 4oz?
  9. Okay, I will get me some nice Cover Jigs then, was thinking about the Dirty Jigs. The "Go To" and "Alabama Craw" colours look awesome and match the crawfish here pretty good: But lets see I will also give the Texas Rig a try and fish some tubes. Will spool some 17# Abrazx and take some of the big Game Line with me if that stuff is too OP.
  10. Firetiger17


  11. Thank you for the advices! What do you mean by that? I already thought about downsizing my Line to 17-18 lb FC because of the handling, I just worry about getting cut off by these nasty branches setting the hook. I heard a lot about flipping with this line, but I rather stick with FC on this setup. Haha I actually have one and this little lead bomb saved me lot of nerves and money already! But I have never seen anyone using one on the water People were complaining about the Texas Snell Knot-straight shank combination in wood cover because of the hook getting out on the side when the bullet gets stuck under a branch and eventually pin the wood... No one experienced this before?
  12. Thank you all! I am very happy to be part of the community now! Yes germany is a nice country with the best beer on earth But I am already planning on visiting the States, cant wait to hook into some nice american Bass!
  13. Hey, I never really fished in heavy wood cover before because the fishing for my local species is very different. Caught all my Bass on Spinnerbaits and Crankbaits and Worms. The cover consists mainly out of old, isolated, half- or completetly submerged trees with thick branches and big laydowns around rock bottom. Like here: I want to use 20# AbrazX on my Avid MHF. The Bass here are not getting really big (8lb+ is huge!). So there is 3 Methods I seperated but I dont really know what to use/ which one has the best hookup ratio and the lowest snagging ratio in this type of Cover? - Flippin Jig? Very simple but maybe too big profile, have my eyes on the Ike Mini flip Jig. - Texas Rig with EWG and bobber stop - Texas Rig with flipping Hook snell-knotted and bobber stop paired with beaver baits like Baby DBomb and the Berkley Pit Boss. I plan on fishing lower weights first on the edges of the Cover and then get down in it with the bigger bullets. Water temp will be around 68 to 77 degrees F. (20-25 deg C) So how should I rig this up?
  14. Hello, I almost always end up on bassresource when I search for information on bass fishing that I can transfer to the fishing in europe. Since last year I felt in love with the Bassfishing in Spain! So much more fun than going for Pike or Zander here in Germany. Of course we have the perch but you can not beat bass fishing when it comes to having fun on the water and being versatile with your baits and presentations. I mostly fish in a system of two big rivers from the bank and on my ATAK140 Kayak. I really like the fishing for asp here in the hot summer with stickbaits. There are officially no bass living in my country so I can only catch them in my holidays, this will change soon! Good times ahead
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