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  1. Thanks for the responses it helps to know overall how everyone else feels about this topic. I didn't mean to mislead anyone cause I would never cull a dead fish but simply would not have offered it up at the weigh-in. I am going to join the club and have already volunteered to help out with some of the duties. Great fishing to all of you.
  2. I've been invited to join a small bass club for the 2007 season. I've not fished in tournaments since the late 80's but there is a tourney rule in the club that I don't agree with. The new club rules for 2007 allows you to weigh in up to two dead fish with a .5 lb deduction for each dead fish. Being the new kid and not wanting to create a huge wake thought it might not be good to say anything. It is my personal opinion that no dead fish be allowed so that more emphasis is put on keeping the catch alive. However I have mentioned this to my would be partner and he agrees that it is not a good rule. I would like to have some input from forum members here cause I have until Feb. 17th before annual dues are paid.
  3. bluecraw wrote: Save a little more and go with the SX. I totally agree with bluecraw on this. If you can let go of president Grant's hand this once it will sure make your outtings in 2007 and years to come a much better experience. Here is a bit of experience with the Revo that you can consider. The Revo STX and SX works very well using Berkley Vanish line and 14 lb and 17 lb test appears to be optimal. The Revo S works very well with Berkley Vanish line but drop those numbers down to 12 lb and 14 lb test for best results. Other brands tested was Pline & Stren both of which worked however the best performance overall came from using Vanish.
  4. Thanks for the Welcome M.Falcon, It's true and nice to be able to roam open water and even make a long cast if you want in the core of winter months. Now the humerous part comes in. In my fishing arsenal are two ice rods purchased two winters ago along with a mini-tackle box full of ice jigs and varous ice tackle. The intent here was for taking a trip to ice fish lake Michigan or in the area at least. With that being said if the ice is thick enough to support a person then sir you should be sitting next to an adventure. Therefore it is I then that would tend to be the envious angler. Wishing much success to you Falcon.
  5. Thanks for the welcome. This seriously a great forum!
  6. 1/19/2007 and 1/27/07 marked my first and second fishing outting for the year on J. Persey Priest, TN. The average environmental conditions were as follows: Air Temp 47; Water Temp 46; Overcast sky; Wind gusts upto 25 mph; Barometer 39.7 and dropping fast;Water clarity slightly stained. Instead of using logical approach I optioned to test larger crankbaits fished from slow to suspended. After 2.5 hours of no takers decision to down size the lures to further test. After another hour reduced size again and began to pick up gills on ultralight equipment using small suspended crankbaits.
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