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Everything posted by BumpTheStump

  1. Very helpful website I thought you might find handy, just enter your boats serial # and you can look-up every part that was used to build your boat with pricing. You wont have access to actually add to cart, just find part # and price, then call dealer to order. I have used this to order parts for my Heritage and it is awesome. https://tracnet.trackermarine.com › COPM › NewSerial01
  2. Has anyone done a deck extension yet?, if so I would love to see some pics. I need to do this but just not sure how to do it and keep the factory look.
  3. The Classic also comes painted, I think the choices are red and black
  4. I found these factory looking toggles if anyone is looking https://www.greatlakesskipper.com/carling-0838r-on-off-boat-toggle-switch
  5. What parameters are available in vessel view for the 40 Mercury and was the install pretty straight forward?
  6. I saw that, was just not clear if any supports or obstructions had to be cut under the foam.
  7. Did anyone ever find or can anyone provide pics of a recessed TM tray install? i would love to know whats under the deck before I pull the trigger on one.
  8. Does anyone have any info on installing a tray in the Heritage 40th edition, can it be done? has it been done? I can't find anything on it
  9. Might just have to order one of these, Thanks for the info
  10. Not it sure it matters but my number is a little different (PA 171227) vs (PA 171221) not sure if this is a newer version, I guess I will just wait and see if I get recall letter
  11. No blue dot here, but haven’t received a letter yet
  12. FYI, there is a 100.000 rebate offer on the Micro when you buy it and a pole. Print form here- https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/power-pole-micro-anchor
  13. I'll admit it - I'm waiting on someone else to try first
  14. We estimate 26 1/2 inches, too bad she was spawned out (if fish that old spawn?) DT 16 over in 20 ft of water over submerged tree tops Thought I was hung up at first, I know everyone has been in that situation
  15. 11 lb 9 oz caught near Fall Creek Falls, TN, small electric only lake. my previous best was 8 lbs
  16. I have the 6.6 quicksilver, not sure which is better?
  17. How is everyone running new transom transducer cables? And getting the hook units cable out. I was just curious if that panell behind the drivers seat is easy to take off and replace.
  18. You may have to change your pb in your signature, not sure that must be pushing 6 or 7 lbs
  19. When did you order yours, this wait is killing me
  20. I ordered mid Jan and no word on when it will be here
  21. Wow, "all production through Dec 2018 has been committed", so that means the last order won't hit production till Dec?
  22. That's how I plan to do my charger, also, I see a lot of pics with the tank mounted on the other side, but for weight distribution it should be on the port side.
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