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Everything posted by afendrbass

  1. i recently purchased a 6'10" avid w/ a Tierra 2500. I have enjoyed it. I want to here about more people that have used them . . . andrew
  2. sweet fish, really want to go to lone star tomorrow, but it wont be till later i guess, if not Tuesday. It looks like it will be the warmest as of late. Any word on Ozarks fishing? I'll be fishing it for the first in a couple weeks. Thanks andrew
  3. well...i bought the proqualifier parka from BPS and have still been digging up info for different materials. Had never imagined spending so much for rainsuits, considering my initial thought was maybe poncho...or, the classic BRIGHT YELLOW suits you see on tv, but now my tourney mentor and all of you are saying the same thing. You don't want to be wet while you fish and buy the best you can afford. Hmm...i guess i'll stick with the qualifier, and see what happens. first tourney coming up in one week, we'll see what happens
  4. any other people where raingear? :
  5. Thanks for the heads up, i'll check it out now. andrew
  6. So, i will be competatively tourny fishing this year and i need some raingear. I have been told that gore tex is the way to go. What is good, what is not? What else is out there? What do you use/recommend? Thanks all, Andrew
  7. like a dolphin, or the people from waterworld or something... :-?
  8. alabama be able to fly, or, be able to swim? :-?
  9. I was curious about pline, b/c they have so many different types of line offered, so i'll check into to that. I had not thought about gamma, but will definitely look into it. The line doesn't have to come from bps necessarily, what about vicious...i'll start another post... : thanks for the input guys
  10. how much for your new toys? very nice.
  11. yeah, i saw someone else mention something, which enticed me to ask. Is there anything else that is comparible to yozuri? I am definitely going to get some ultra-soft on thur, i would just like to be able to compare it with some competition, something of equal caliber...does that make sense? :-?
  12. I will be purchasing some line on thursday, b/c i can't make it to the opening of BPS (i work in the evening). My initial thought was to go with the yozuri, but i am also really curious about the SUNLINE products. What lines would even be compared to yo-zuri products (abbrasiveness, uv resistant, ...)?
  13. if your talking about the bps opening in olathe ks, im pretty excited. I grew up makn the trip down to springfield, mo once or twice a year, and for me, cabelas doesnt compare...yet. I may stand corrected, but we have always gone to the springfield bps around march, b/c they have a spring sale... im not sure if that is true or if this one will...i hope so. otherwise, looking on both sites, cabelas has rods and reels bps doesnt, and vise versa and home brand. hope that helps
  14. That does seem like a realist possibility. they are just promoting their equip in a diff way, i guess. but that doesn't account for the # of peed off people on this post :
  15. has anyone used these rods? i know he has others, but i am curious about these? for $120, and the fact it is a yamamoto product...? Thanks, andrew
  16. Have you used it? If so, for what? What do you all think? i saw that Morizu Shimizu produced a couple of lines for them...
  17. Thanks alot guys, that was exactly the info i needed.
  18. I have no idea what the post below is about "Backing for braided line". Will someone please explain and why it is important? Why would you use tape, mono...what should you use for flouro, co-poly? Thanks Andrew
  19. This is perfect. I was just looking for info on this warm-water info. Bassresource is awesome. Thanks for the info.
  20. Yes sir there is a machined handle for the Stradic, you can order a Stradic Mg handle from Shimano and it will fit the regular Stradic but you don 't want it because you said you didn 't want a FOLDABLE handle and even though machined the handle is foldable. I understand Matt 5.0's request for the reel with no foldable handle, and my view was established from rumors of the "play" you find in them. I am a newcomer to tournament fishing (hopefully starting in Mar.) and with obvious cabin fever am anticipating the purchase of some hopefully long lasting equipment. Weighing my options, it just seems like a snowball effect when it comes to price (it's only $50 more, i could get this, ...well this is only $40 more than that...). i just want a reel, and i want to fish :-X anyway, Raul, do you think Japanese equipment is overall better, even their "lower end" stuff, compared to what is offered here? and, where do you order from?
  21. They offer so many reels, baitcasting and spinning. What does anyone know about the quality and manufacturers behind these reels. Any reel worth buying, less than or equal to $130? Good, bad, whatever...what do you think about the reels? :-?
  22. I have BPS gift cards, and i will be purchasing a spinning rod, spinning reel, and baitcasting rod; when the BPS in my hometown of Olathe, KS opens Feb. 22nd ;D. I know this topic is all about personal preference and will always be an on going debate, but I am not bias and directly looking at the the most performance i can get for my money. At this point in my life, i cannot spend anything near $200 for a reel. I am looking for a spinning reel under 140 and at this point am considering: 1.the tierra, for all of the qualities comparible to the stradic at a lower cost. 2.curious about the Catalyst and Energy PT-i series, but do not know if the gears are sealed like the Stradic or Tierra. 3.BPS offers a shimano Aero Stradic, but not sure if it is comparible to the quality of the Stradic MgFa. Looking for input, not directly on these, but overall quality offered under the 140 range. Awesome forum and thanks for the input.
  23. I have heard nothing but good things as well (warranty also, if needed). I have about a month before i will be updating my tackle with a new baitcast and spinning reel, and spinning rod. The compre is still high on my list of possibilities. We'll see. Good luck with yours.
  24. I have been looking into picking up some new gear this year and attempt to tackle the tournament world. It's funny, but I find myself in aww with the advances, and relatively cheap prices for some of the equipment offered (the tierra reel being one of them). After reading all of the reviews i could possibly find, and comparing a ton of reels for price vs. quality, i think i decided to give the tierra a try. I don't have a lot to spend, but for all of it's attributes, it definitely looks worth way more than it's price. I hope to pick it up in a few weeks when the Olathe, Ks BPS opens. ;D
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