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Everything posted by hookem12_0

  1. A sweet looking trailer on a 1/16 all black jig would be a saphire blue zoom super chunk jr. It has a small body but some big claws. It gives those small jigs a nice slow, wavy fall.
  2. 1. Zoom Baby Brush Hogs 2. Culprit 12 inch Ribbontail 3. Eakins 5/16 jig 4. Zoom Baby Brush Hogs 5. Senko
  3. Ive tried to get my fiance' to spray B.A.N.G. Garlic on herself instead of her normal Victoria Secret Scents but I have not had any success yet.
  4. No offense but this is a bass fishing forum. I dont think live bait should ever be mentioned. Live bait is for crappie and catfishermen. Oh and 5 year olds with snoopy rods.
  5. You almost have to go to get some unadvertised good deals. I havent been for a couple of years but everytime I do go I always seem to stumble onto some sort of unressitable deal.
  6. Owner Cutting Point 5/0 Wide Gap Plus goes great with any soft plastic. The only time I will use a smaller hook is if I am fishing a tube or craw that is not long enough for the 5/0.
  7. I have never used one but I have worked in the outdoor retail business for about 2 years and I have only seen one smartcast of any model returned out of 100+ sold. So it must be good if people are keeping them. People say they like them.
  8. I always just keep a very small pair of wire cutters in the boat. you can pick those up at any hardware store.
  9. There is not enough room on this page. I have 4 shelves in the garage, my spare bedroom is pretty much full of tackle minus the space for my gun cabinet, and right now I have a card table in my living room piled with crap getting ready for spring, and thats not to mention all the crap in my truck.
  10. War Eagle Football Head Jigs, Eakins Jigs, and the new Evolution Jigs.
  11. I have before on rattletraps and cranks. I dont anymore because I would rather loose a bait than lose a fish.
  12. oh yah! Ive put them in a ziplock bag and poured B.A.N.G. garlic and then sprinkle some garlic salt(like you would use to cook with). seal them up for a couple of weeks and youre good to go
  13. Barlows Tackle and/or check ebay.
  14. Aww. So your the one that outbid me while I was at work. Congrats. Sounds like a good assortment.
  15. Your rig looks good. The only thing that I would really suggest is to switch to a 4/0-6/0 Owner Cutting Point Extra Wide Gap.
  16. Carolina Rig and A Spinnerbait.
  17. 100 pointer Shell White and 80 MR Live Pointer in clown
  18. Green Pumpkin, Watermelon Seed, Red Shad, Black Blue Flake, Watermelon Candy.
  19. If you want the best of the chatterbaits try the booyah boggee bait. It has awesome action.
  20. just fish booyah boogie baits and call it good!
  21. barbless hooks? this is a bass fishing forum. are you trout fishing?
  22. actually it works well in certain cituations. i was fishing a reg booyah buzz and the bass kept short striking me. so i thought, hell, ill try one of these 12 inchers, and low and behold it worked. those bass didnt know what to think. they were nailing that bait hard and i caught several fish in a short amount of time. the biggest was almost 6 but i caught alot of fish. i still dont normally start out with this bait but if the bass are short striking i suggest tying one on.
  23. The wildeye sunfish is deadly on bedding bass. Just work it slow in and around their beds. They also make it in a 4 inch size.
  24. Zoom baby brush hogs and Culprit 12 inch ribbontails.
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