I live in southwest ohio about 40 minutes north of Cincinnati. I would not say we live in a hot spot for fishing but if you do your work and put your time in, you can get on some fish. i have fished the ohio river once and i would consider it tough as far as bass fishing, though i hear the sauger and cat fishing can be good. the great miami river is an underfished river that holds alot of 2lb smallmouth and i think it is one of the best fisheries in the area and i kayak it frequently. you will also catch saugeye and flatheads here. best accessed by kayak and wading/shore fishing. ceasars creek lake and cowan lake are what i consider my home lakes. ceasars can be very tough for bass fishing, especially in the summer. it does however hold good populations of musky and crappie. i have better luck bass fishing (size and numbers) at cowan lake. it is a 10hp limit (i cant run my big motor on my bass boat) but it is more peaceful and a nice getaway at times. if you like to creek walk for smallies, twin creek may be worth checking out. i dont know alot about Minnesota fishing but im going to assume the fishing is better where you are at. hope this helps