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Everything posted by Mobasser

  1. Sorry to hear this. It's always very hard, and I know the feeling also.
  2. I made a post at one point about the Gapen Ugly Bug. Great multi species jig, and yes. It looks "fuzzy".
  3. I could easily become a smallmouth bass angler. I don't have any smallmouth fishing close to home, so I fish for the largemouth bass. They're abundant in my area, and fun to catch. Second for me would probably be crappie or bream to catch and fillet. Both taste great.
  4. As I get older, I find the extreme cold is harder on my 67 year body. The best I can do is dress for it. I like Carhartt stuff. Insulated bibs, Long John's, thick heavy shirts, wool socks, and heavy jacket with a hood. I worked as a carpenter for most of my adult life, and worked in the cold every winter. I learned to dress in layers, and if it warmed up in the afternoon, I could always shed a layer of I needed. My son in law is a farmer, raising livestock here in Missouri. He's out there every day, and tells me he doesn't get cold, because he dresses for it, and has become accustomed to extreme cold. He's only 41. He also says that him and his crew always forward to a noon break. Warm up, have a sandwich and a cup of coffee.
  5. I don't really have a resolution for 2025. I'm just thankful I'm still able to go fishing, and catch a few. I hope everyone who has a resolution can make it happen, amnd achieve your goals.
  6. I catch almost all my fish on finesse plastic worms. Probably 80 percent. Followed by popper, spook, Buzzbait. Also am fond of Beetlespin and #3 Mepps Black Fury.
  7. As predicted, we have 10" to 12" of snow on the ground here. Bitter cold in the morning then warming up to around 15 or so by afternoon. It's supposed to get up around 29 degrees tomorrow. It will feel like a heat wave here.
  8. There's a kid that works at a local tackle shop that holds the tip against his throat and talks to you while you hold the rod handle. Of course you can feel a little vibration in your hand. He's probably sold a lot of high end sticks doing this.
  9. I never really fell for gimmicks. I thought the Shimano Fighting Drag was a gimmick, until I actually tried it. It worked good. As a kid, I wanted a Popiels Pocket Fisherman. The commercials on TV made it seem really cool. But I never got one.
  10. We got sleet/ ice yesterday, noe getting hammered with snow. KC Mo is almost shut down now. Predicting 12" by tonight. We're staying in and hunkering down.
  11. A-Jay, it's a strange thing. I remember making a post at one point about gobies getting into some rivers in south Missouri. Guys were upset about this invasive species. But it looks like these gobies have helped grow some big smallmouth up your way.
  12. Catt, there's a video about Missouri's record bass that's put out by our conservation dept. The mans son is interviewed. He says that when that bass was caught, Bull Shoals was packed with big fish. Strings of five bass weighing 6-7 pounds each were pretty common for a while. Of course this died out, but has come back different times over the years. I agree with you on this. Most newer lakes are hot for a few years. But, many come back also. There could be a new state record swimming in Bull Shoals lake right now? I think it's very possible. The genes have to be present to grow these big bass.
  13. In my state of Missouri, the LM bass State record was caught in April of 1961. It was caught on Missouri's Bull Shoals lake, on a black spinnerbait. This record still stands, and is over 60 years old now. When I see a very old state record like this, it always makes me wonder if a bigger fish has been caught and was never officially weighed and verified? Does your state have an old state record bass? And, have you wondered if that record has been beaten, but never checked out?
  14. I'm about 35 miles north of Kansas City. They're supposed to get more ice/sleet than we are. Still, it's a prediction for now. I've seen these big storms split and not amount to much when they get here. I'm surprised you guys haven't had more snow? We'll see how it all pans out for us tomorrow afternoon.
  15. We'll be getting our first sizeable snowfall in my area starting tomorrow, and going all day Sunday. Predicting possible up to 12". I'm prepared with salt, shovel etc. And, I've got plenty of coffee. Bring it on.
  16. Most of us have probably fished with a Heddon surface lure at some point. I still do. My best colors have been in the Zara Spook- Original Shore Minnow, Flitter Shad, Black Shore Minnow, and Clear. In the Tiny Torpedo- Black Shore Minnow, Clear, Bullfrog, Shad, and Yellow Shore Minnow. What colors have you had good success on in the Heddon lineup?
  17. Your dog is a handsome boy. Merry Christmas Everyone!
  18. If this rod is new, I would contact your seller about a warranty replacement rod.
  19. At 67 I don't remember everything as I should. Day to day things I'll sometimes forget, and my wife will remind me. But, I can still remember many bass I've caught over the years. Certain fish stand out, not always because of size, but because of the surroundings or who I was with. As an example, I clearly remember my first actual keeper bass. Fishing with my older brother on our grampas farm pond in 1967. The fish hit a black Hula Popper, cast to the edge of some moss. I was ten years old.
  20. Fishing from my canoe, I only keep three rods on hand. I have one bottom contact, one mid depth, and one top water. All are versatile.
  21. I like both Catts and A- Jays comments here. With Catt, you can still strike out with FFS. And with A-Jay, long hours on the water, and timing. You've got to be out there when the fish are biting. It's been said before here on BR, we can't force feed the fish. It's 100 percent true.
  22. I have a couple of older reels. An ABU Cardinal 4, and an ABU 4600c. I retired the Cardinal, but the 4600c still gets used, and still works perfectly after over 20 years. What I think has improved a lot are mid priced reels. Two that I'm using are a Shimano Sahara 2500, and a Lews LFS. Both cost around 80 to 100 bucks. The very high end stuff has always been good from all the companies. Guys will buy them as they always have. Will they make you a better fisherman? That depends on the guy who's operating them. For a lot of guys, I don't think it will matter too much.
  23. Happy Holidays to all BR members! Wishing everyone the best of luck in the coming new year!
  24. I have a canoe, and a 12 ft John boat. I fish from both. My canoe is a 17ft square back, made by Osagian Canoe, in Lebanon Mo.I have a trailer for it. It's called the Osagian river model, and is about 4ft wide in the center. Very stable to fish from. I can launch and load by myself. I like it. Canoes are old school, and I like old school stuff. The Missouri Ozarks also has a rich history of canoeing. My canoe came from this area.
  25. Rage Menace grub. When I first saw it I got a gut feeling it would work.well. It's been a good producer for me.
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