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Everything posted by Mobasser

  1. Hang in there Catt. Things will improve for you and get better.
  2. My Lews LFS is great as a bass reel. My ABU 4600c is 24 years old now, and still reels in bass every season. Personally, I think lots of folks overthink all this. Many companies make good reels, that are suitable for bass fishing. Pick your favourite color, and get out there and catch fish. .
  3. Did you hear about the family of skunks that went to church? They had to sit in they're own pew....
  4. Just read that actor Gene Hackman and his wife have both passed away. He got his start in acting in 1964, after serving in the US Marine Corps. I always thought he was good, as I'm sure many others do. He was 95 years old. RIP Gene Hackman.
  5. Yesterday was almost 70 degrees at my house. My grandson and his fishing buddy stopped by. His friend brought his new spinning outfit over to show me. Shimano Sahara 2500 reel, and a Fenwick HMG medium action rod. He had spooled it with Yo Zuri Hybrid 8 lb line. We took it out in the yard, and picked a target. The kid can cast well, but was overshooting the target on most cast. So, I showed him how to feather the line. I showed him two ways. One, by using your forefinger on the spool after you cast, and by cupping your hand around the spool after your cast. After a little practice, he could hit the target 90 percent of the time. I'm sure his accuracy will improve even more. This is nothing new, and folks have been doing it in one way or another since the invention of the spinning reel. Some well known anglers - Bill Dance, Billy Westmoreland, and Charlie Brewer, did this years ago, and many pro anglers still do. I know I remember A-Jay and WRB mentioning this in past post here on BR. If your new to spin fishing, I would urge you to learn this simple concept. Your casting accuracy with spinning gear can improve quite a bit. I always feel good about passing on some helpful info to younger guys whenever I can. By learning this line feathering, this kid will be dropping his baits quietly right in the pocket this summer, and I think he'll catch more fish in the process.
  6. I prayed for you the other day Catt, and I'll pray more now. I'm hoping for the best for your surgery and a good recovery Catt .We're all pulling for you 110 percent.
  7. Several years ago, my wife and I were driving home. It was dusk. A young deer ran across the road about 30 feet in front of us. I slowed down, and my wife said look at that! When I turned to look, a large cat was trotting up the embankment on the road, moving away from us. The cat had been chasing this deer. When it saw the headlights from our truck, it took off. Two years ago, in the winter, I stepped out on my back porch to check the snowfall. In the woods near our house, I heard what sounded like a woman screaming. I listened for a few minutes. The screaming sound was loud, and high pitched. When I looked this up on our Missouri conservation website, I learned that this is the sound female lions make when calling in a mate. I also learned that mountain lions range up to 100 miles. Ive read stories of people being attacked by them, but, I don't know that I believe this.ive also read that they've been known to circle behind hunters, hikers etc. Again, I don't know for sure about this. The big cats are very reclusive, and move around at dusk and in darkness. As areas get developed, these big cats move to new places. Do you have mountain lions in your area. Have you ever seen or had an encounter with one?
  8. Catt, sorry to hear this. I hope everything goes as good as possible for you.
  9. I try and support a small local shop whenever I need something.
  10. I'll define myself as hard work. At 67, I've got aches and pains from the hard work I've done in my life. But, I'm proud of it. I was taught to work hard by my dad and grampa. That's how they lived, and I'm proud I've followed that path.
  11. I have a 1000 size Revros also..I'll be using it more this year. My grandson bought a Lews G Spin. It was 39.95, and is a very good reel for the cost also.
  12. Pretty bad here this morning. Lots of snow, and temp is -2. Next week in the upper 40s and possibly 50 degrees.
  13. Mobasser

    New Job!

    Congratulations on the new job Koz. Hope everything works out well.
  14. Siennas are a great reel for the money. I've also had good luck with an Okuma Avenger. I bought it to take as an extra reel on a trout trip. Ended up fishing it hard for seven seasons before it gave out. I think at the time I paid 19.95.
  15. I need a light line for clear water. I like 6 lb P Line CX. It's strong, and handles good. I liked YZH initially, but even in four pound it was wiry, and developed memory faster on size 2000 spin reels. So for now, I'm in with P Line. On my casting reels, I'm using Big Game. It's worked well for a long time.
  16. A-Jay, as you probably remember I am a dog lover also. And, I know the feeling when you lose one. When we lost our big yellow lab Lady three years ago, my wife said she didn't want to get anymore dogs. We both loved Lady so much, and it hurt so much when we lost her. You always remember the dogs, and they're personalities. We were without a dog for a few months after losing Lady, and we both felt a huge void. So, we took on two terriers, and a dachsund. All have proven to be fiercely loyal and have been good dogs. They're this way because we treat them very well, which I'm sure you do also. IMO, that's all it takes. Treat them with kindness, and you'll have a great friend. The hardest part is saying goodbye to these trusted loyal friends.
  17. That's her Catt. She's a whopper too.
  18. So many of the big bass are caught on jigs, but the big fish are caught on all sorts of baits. My old buddy Mike caught a seven pounder on a Buzzbait. Spooks, swimbaits, plastic worms and spinnerbaits have all worked for big fish at times. We just have to be there when the big ones are ready to eat. Most times, it seems like the window of opportunity is small. I've read a lot about big bass liking crawfish, and it's been proven. But, I also think that if your in the right location, and a big one is hungry, they'll strike other baits too. Most bass guys don't use much live bait anymore, but plenty of big fish have been taken on live craw's, nightcrawlers, and large minnows too. There was even a whopper caught on a chicken nugget.
  19. Ive been down this road, and struck out. I devoted an entire season trying to beat my own PB of 8lbs, caught thirty years ago. I haven't given up yet, but I made the decision to fish as I always have, and have fun. Lots of good points made here. My own observation is that guys who catch really big bass- there's little if any luck involved. They study the bass, and learn from experience when and where to fish, what baits work best at certain times, and how to fish these baits the best way. My own lake is eight acres with very clear water. Some days, it's hard to catch a keeper, let alone a giant. They'res some in there. One day I'll hook one.
  20. Mine is catching fish from gin clear water, and landing them.on 6lb test line.
  21. Lonnie, that's me also. Im not changing now. Use the method that works best for you.
  22. I'm right handed. I cast with my right then switch to hold the rod with my left hand. I've been doing it this way for so many years I'd have a hard time learning a different way. Spinning reels, I cast with my right and reel.with my left. Both ways work. To each his own.
  23. Whenever this topic comes up, I'm always reminded of my friend Mike who fished with me. He'll turn 74 soon. His leg got shot up in Vietnam and he's had a limp since 1970. Sometimes he's just too tired to go. But he still loves fishing, and tells me he'll fish until he just can't do it anymore. He's in pretty good shape for his age, considering everything. He's also one of the toughest guys Ive ever known. He has a non quitter attitude about everything, and this is how he keeps going.
  24. I've thought about investing in a magnifier that clips on my cap, like fly fisherman use. Tying knots may be easier that way. I think for me with aging, trying to keep yourself in good shape goes a long way here. Stop smoking, try to eat healthy, and keep your weight in check can all help us, and could add some years to our favourite pastime. It's a daily thing we should all be aware of.
  25. I'm 67, still doing ok, but have the usual things for my age. I always stay hydrated well. Wear PFD always. My canoe is a wide style, and I carry less things these past few years. There's less to trip or stumble on. I prefer to fish with my grandson, or my old friend Mike, as both are good partners. I still enjoy bank fishing and one thing I think is important is watch your step when your walking around the lake. Always have your phone with you, and of course ID and contact info. Dress for the weather, and have fun.
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