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Everything posted by Mobasser

  1. Good luck to you Pat Brown, and have fun with this too.
  2. Sometimes, I can't establish a consistent pattern. On huge lakes, there could be a few different patterns going on. I read years ago that this was a common excuse when folks didn't do well in tournaments. They would say, " my pattern fell apart". I like to have a backup plan, and keep an open mind.
  3. I try not to eat salty stuff when it gets hot. I always take plenty of water, and usually a half sandwich and banana for a six hour trip. I'm always conscience of what I'm eating, and keeping my fat/ calories in check.
  4. The wind. " Wind from the east, the fish bite the least. Wind from the west, the fishings the best. Wind from the south, blows the hook into the fishes mouth". Heard this as kid. Thought it was dumb back then, and still do. I'm not a superstitious person.
  5. Excellent news Catt, you can relax at home. Keep on keepin on Catt. We're all in your corner, and hoping the best for you.
  6. I don't think there are a lot of lions here in my part of Missouri. There are some, and they've definitely passed through here. I think if deer and game are abundant, they'll hang around longer. If not much for them to.eat, they'll be moving to a new spot.
  7. The almost silence of launching my canoe at first light.
  8. A-Jay, your thread continues to inspire me. Besides working my part time job, Im still doing sit ups, leg lifts, and a light barbell workout on my days off. It's still helping me in a big way. Thank you.
  9. I used to follow a couple of other fishing sites, but no more. I got tired of guys being rude, making stupid comments and smarting off. BR is the best. Our site moderators do a great job here, and make sure this site runs smoothly.
  10. That's great news Catt. Good to hear this. Remaining positive.
  11. When I was much younger, I had thoughts of becoming a pro anglers. I fished a few small tournaments when I was in my twenty's and gave up on the idea. We always here about the winners, and all the success they have. They don't talk about the guys who barely have gas money to get to the next event, then sleep in they're cars when the get there. They might grab some fast food along the way. It's not easy, and even with all the new gear and electronics lots of guys fail, and go back to working a job somewhere. You've got to win or place near the top in these events and do it consistently. Otherwise, your just another guy out there casting, and nobody knows you or cares- until you start winning.
  12. Well, Im 67. I retired four years ago, sat around for three months, and got bored. Even fishing four or five days a week, I still felt like I should be doing something. I took a part time job helping a friend with a home repair business. As an example, this week I hung two doors, put in a new kitchen faucet, and helped my buddy install a new garage door. I work three days a week, Tues, Wed, and Thurs, around 20 -24 hours per week. It's good because I keep busy, get exercise, and still have four days off each week for fishing, or family time. As we get older it's important to stay busy. The worst thing you can do is retire, then sit in front of the TV all day.
  13. I fish really clear water. Cloudy and overcast days are my favourite. On cloudy days, the bass tend to move away from cover and roam around more.
  14. I'm 67, in Missouri. I have needed a license for two years now. I'm looking it . Congratulations volzfan. Welcome to the club.
  15. That looks like really nice rod and reel.
  16. I've got several bags of Zoom 6" lizards. They'll work in the spring, but can catch bass all year long. Good baits. I like grape, purple, black, and watermelon/ red flake.
  17. I've noticed that certain identical baits work better, and I've also seen when one plastic bait that's caught fish, and torn or looks rough has out fished a brand new identical bait. I have no explanation.
  18. I agree Catt. I think it's one of those habits that starts when your young. If nobody corrects you on it, you end up doing it for years.
  19. Plastic worms
  20. I try my best not to boat flip bass. But, I've done it accidently. I've always tried to get them back in the water quickly. I don't always catch huge giant bass that warrant a photo. Also, my canoe sits lower to the water, so I can ease them back into the water. I watched a guy release some smaller bass last season, and he threw them what looked to be six or seven feet from his boat.
  21. Hang in there Catt. Things will improve for you and get better.
  22. My Lews LFS is great as a bass reel. My ABU 4600c is 24 years old now, and still reels in bass every season. Personally, I think lots of folks overthink all this. Many companies make good reels, that are suitable for bass fishing. Pick your favourite color, and get out there and catch fish. .
  23. Did you hear about the family of skunks that went to church? They had to sit in they're own pew....
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