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Mobasser last won the day on February 15 2023

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About Mobasser

  • Birthday 10/03/1957

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  • Gender
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    smaller lakes and ponds in north central Missouri. 

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  • About Me
    Im 60 and have been bass fishing about 35 years. I fish smaller lakes and ponds and love finesse fishing. Fave baits are ned rig, zoom trick worms, etc. I also love topwater fishing. I fish from a 17 ft osagian canoe, and use a portable depthfinder. 

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  1. Well, Im 67. I retired four years ago, sat around for three months, and got bored. Even fishing four or five days a week, I still felt like I should be doing something. I took a part time job helping a friend with a home repair business. As an example, this week I hung two doors, put in a new kitchen faucet, and helped my buddy install a new garage door. I work three days a week, Tues, Wed, and Thurs, around 20 -24 hours per week. It's good because I keep busy, get exercise, and still have four days off each week for fishing, or family time. As we get older it's important to stay busy. The worst thing you can do is retire, then sit in front of the TV all day.
  2. I fish really clear water. Cloudy and overcast days are my favourite. On cloudy days, the bass tend to move away from cover and roam around more.
  3. I'm 67, in Missouri. I have needed a license for two years now. I'm looking it . Congratulations volzfan. Welcome to the club.
  4. That looks like really nice rod and reel.
  5. I've got several bags of Zoom 6" lizards. They'll work in the spring, but can catch bass all year long. Good baits. I like grape, purple, black, and watermelon/ red flake.
  6. I've noticed that certain identical baits work better, and I've also seen when one plastic bait that's caught fish, and torn or looks rough has out fished a brand new identical bait. I have no explanation.
  7. I agree Catt. I think it's one of those habits that starts when your young. If nobody corrects you on it, you end up doing it for years.
  8. Plastic worms
  9. I try my best not to boat flip bass. But, I've done it accidently. I've always tried to get them back in the water quickly. I don't always catch huge giant bass that warrant a photo. Also, my canoe sits lower to the water, so I can ease them back into the water. I watched a guy release some smaller bass last season, and he threw them what looked to be six or seven feet from his boat.
  10. Hang in there Catt. Things will improve for you and get better.
  11. My Lews LFS is great as a bass reel. My ABU 4600c is 24 years old now, and still reels in bass every season. Personally, I think lots of folks overthink all this. Many companies make good reels, that are suitable for bass fishing. Pick your favourite color, and get out there and catch fish. .
  12. Did you hear about the family of skunks that went to church? They had to sit in they're own pew....
  13. Just read that actor Gene Hackman and his wife have both passed away. He got his start in acting in 1964, after serving in the US Marine Corps. I always thought he was good, as I'm sure many others do. He was 95 years old. RIP Gene Hackman.
  14. Yesterday was almost 70 degrees at my house. My grandson and his fishing buddy stopped by. His friend brought his new spinning outfit over to show me. Shimano Sahara 2500 reel, and a Fenwick HMG medium action rod. He had spooled it with Yo Zuri Hybrid 8 lb line. We took it out in the yard, and picked a target. The kid can cast well, but was overshooting the target on most cast. So, I showed him how to feather the line. I showed him two ways. One, by using your forefinger on the spool after you cast, and by cupping your hand around the spool after your cast. After a little practice, he could hit the target 90 percent of the time. I'm sure his accuracy will improve even more. This is nothing new, and folks have been doing it in one way or another since the invention of the spinning reel. Some well known anglers - Bill Dance, Billy Westmoreland, and Charlie Brewer, did this years ago, and many pro anglers still do. I know I remember A-Jay and WRB mentioning this in past post here on BR. If your new to spin fishing, I would urge you to learn this simple concept. Your casting accuracy with spinning gear can improve quite a bit. I always feel good about passing on some helpful info to younger guys whenever I can. By learning this line feathering, this kid will be dropping his baits quietly right in the pocket this summer, and I think he'll catch more fish in the process.
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